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E3 2017 Highlights: Bethesda Press Conference

E3 2017 Highlights: Bethesda Press Conference

Everyone was expecting Bethesda to showcase something new and something exciting but people were let down by the lack of any.  No information about Starfield or the next TES games while they are still going on about Skyrim and Paid Mods. So let’s get on with what was actually announced by Bethesda.

Doom VFR


The question to how they would answer traversal has been answered. Teleport your way around while blasting monsters and jamming to that awesome soundtrack in VR is going to be an absolute blast.

Fallout 4 VR

Do you like Fallout? Do you like VR? Do you like immersion? You’re in for a treat because Fallout 4 VR will let you play the entire game in VR. I hope you’re ready to get picked up and screamed in the face by a Deathclaw.

Creation Club for Fallout 4 and Skyrim SE

Bethesda is yet again trying their hand at paid mods.  The Creation Club is supposed to allow Bethesda and outside devs to make mods for their games which will then be downloadable using Credits. We expect these credits to be bought by real money.

Skyrim for Switch

You can now finally play Skyrim wherever you want now. Got a long flight, bus ride or train? No issues you have Skyrim on your Switch.  You can also dress your character up using your amiibos which is also kinda cool so you can dress your Khajit up as Link which should be fun.

Dishonored: Death of the Outsider

A standalone DLC that features Billie Lurk alongside her old mentor Doud who plan on Assassinating the Outsider, the person who gives Corvo his powers. Dishonored 1’s DLC was fantastic so let’s hope this is good and hopefully runs better than Dishonored 2 on PC.

The Evil Within 2

The Evil Within had a lot of high hopes and turned out to be a game that didn’t quite deliver. With all those rumours for a sequel, it’s good to finally have confirmation.  The trailer itself is very interesting, to say the least, and I look forward to this game.

Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus

And we have probably one of the best announcement’s from Bethesda this year, the sequel to Wolfenstein.  The Full Reveal trailer showcases the game and it looks fantastic.  With its brutal combat and variety of weapons to use, this game already looks to be an amazing game.

Elder Scrolls Legend: Skyrim Content

It was announced that The Elder Scrolls card game Legends will add new content which will feature the Heroes of Skyrim. And also Dragons. Lots of Dragons.

Elder Scrolls Online

Elder Scrolls Online recently got a new Morrowind DLC and Bethesda just launched an E3 trailer for the game which showcases that and upcoming DLC game packs, namely Horns of the Reach and Clockwork City DLC game packs.

Quake Champions

Alongside a new E3 trailer, Bethesda also announced that Quake Champions would be getting its own World Championship on 26th August in Dallas at Quakecon with a prize pool of $1 Million.

That wraps up the highlights from Bethesda’s E3 Press Conference or “Bethesda Land”. Stay tuned for more highlights and let us know what you thought about this press conference.

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