fallout 4 vr

The Top 15 Best VR Games Of 2017

Virtual Reality might still have along way to go before it’s becomes a common household experience. However, 2017 was a great proof of concept of what that VR future might look like. This we shifted from simple shooting galleries and VR experiences to more complete/feature rich VR games. Hey, even Skyrim is now playable in VR! So here are the top 15 best VR games of 2017. Skyrim VR Skyrim VR reimagines the complete epic fantasy masterpiece with an unparalleled sense of scale, depth, and immersion. From battling ancient dragons to exploring rugged mountains and more, Skyrim VR brings to life a complete open world for you to experience any way you choose. Lone Echo In Lone Echo’s single-player story, you’ll be transported to an advanced mining facility within the rings of Saturn, compl...

E3 2017 Highlights: Bethesda Press Conference

Everyone was expecting Bethesda to showcase something new and something exciting but people were let down by the lack of any.  No information about Starfield or the next TES games while they are still going on about Skyrim and Paid Mods. So let’s get on with what was actually announced by Bethesda. Doom VFR   The question to how they would answer traversal has been answered. Teleport your way around while blasting monsters and jamming to that awesome soundtrack in VR is going to be an absolute blast. Fallout 4 VR Do you like Fallout? Do you like VR? Do you like immersion? You’re in for a treat because Fallout 4 VR will let you play the entire game in VR. I hope you’re ready to get picked up and screamed in the face by a Deathclaw. Creation Club for Fallout 4 and Skyr...

What To Expect at E3 2017: Bethesda

Next up, Bethesda. A lot of rumours flying around with a new IP and VR versions of games. So let’s have a look at what we can expect from Bethesda at E3. Starfield This is what has people most excited. A brand new IP from Bethesda that takes place in Space! From the leaks that may or may not be true, this game is supposed to be a part of the Bethesda Universe where Fallout is the beginning and Elder Scrolls the far future with this being in-between in the time period.  With planet’s developed by developers and procedurally generated worlds as well, we wonder if this game will by the ultimate hype and then fail miserably. But from what we’ve read till now it seems to be a competitor for the Mass Effect series and I’m really excited to know about this new IP. Fallout ...

Fallout 4 Will Definitely Get A Taste Of VR

At the E3 conference, Bethesda had announced that they were going to bring Fallout 4 to the realm of virtual reality, and it seems like the ambitious project is already underway. In an interview with Glixel, when asked whether they were trying to put all of Fallout 4 in VR, Todd Howard said, “We definitely are. That’s the promise of VR, being in a big virtual world. The core experience, meaning you put on the headset and you’re standing in the world of Fallout and can go where you want, just that little bit is every bit as cool as you hope it would be. Once we did that, we were like, “OK, we gotta see where this goes.” ” He goes on to say how the potential market in VR is not much of a concern for them, “We’re not so worried about how many we...

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