Fallout 4

Top 5 Most Frustrating Side Missions That’ll Make You Want To Stop Playing Video games

For the most part, side missions are fun additions to or distractions from the main plot. But sometimes they can tend to test the player’s patience beyond any reasonable limits. So here are the top 5 most frustrating side missions that’ll make you want to stop playing video games. Exercising The Truth (GTA V) While a lot of GTA V’s side missions fell like organically generated activities that come as a part of your day to day routine, Exercising The Truth is not that. This mission comes as part of a sequence of missions that you do for the Epsilon Program, and needs you to run 5 miles across the desert wearing their ridiculous outfit. NOT FUN! Collecting Feathers (Assassin’s Creed 2) Oh Ubisoft, you just couldn’t resist could you? You just had to thrown in nee...

The Top 50 Best Single Player Campaigns Of This Generation (Part 5)

There are a lot of Single Player games out in the wild, here is a list which would help you to go on a epic journey while sitting on your couch. Also, this is Part Five of a five part list, and you can check out Part 1 right here, Part 2 here, Part 3 here, and Part 4 here. Fallout 4 As the sole survivor of Vault 111, you enter a world destroyed by nuclear war. Every second is a fight for survival, and every choice is yours. Only you can rebuild and determine the fate of the Wasteland. Welcome home. Grand Theft Auto V When a young street hustler, a retired bank robber and a terrifying psychopath find themselves entangled with some of the most frightening and deranged elements of the criminal underworld, the U.S. government and the entertainment industry, they must pull off a series of dange...

Top 10 Worst Games In Our Favorite Video Game Franchises (Part 2)

We all have our favorite Video Game franchises, be it Fallout or Assassin’s Creed or Metal Gear Solid. But even the best of them can stumble at times, and we’ve decided to take a look at the worst games in our favorite video game franchises. Some of these games are good, just not as good as other games in the series, while others are simply bad and not worthy of the company they keep. This will be a five part list, and you can check out Part 1 here. Fallout 4 No matter how much I tried to like Fallout 4, I just couldn’t get past how generic of an open world the series had become. Gone are the critical decisions, or the excellent dialogue systems. It’s just shooting radioactive mutants (akin to zombies), while yet another settlement needs my help! God Of War: Ascension Ascension...

Fallout 4 Game Of The Year Edition Announced

Return to the Wasteland on September 26 with Fallout 4: Game of the Year Edition. With all the latest gameplay updates (including Survival mode), graphical enhancements, the ability to play Mods for free on PC and consoles, plus all official add-ons included, this is the ultimate way to experience the award-winning post-nuclear adventure from Bethesda Game Studios. Winner of more than 200 “Best Of” awards – including the 2016 BAFTA and 2016 D.I.C.E. Game of the Year – Fallout 4 is the studio’s most ambitious game yet. As the sole survivor of Vault 111, you enter a world destroyed by nuclear war. Every second is a fight for survival, and every choice is yours. Only you can rebuild and determine the fate of the Wasteland. Fallout 4: Game of the Year Edition includes the fully updated origina...

Top 15 Video Games With Immense Potential That Ultimately Disappointed

We’ve seen games that were overhyped and failed to deliver, we’ve seen games that were technical nightmares, we’ve seen games that had no real story and we’ve seen games that just broke our hearts with how bad/boring the were. So here’s a Top 15 list of games that disappointed us for one reason or another. [interaction id=”5963780bf7ddd65e0bce104e”] Final Fantasy XV Even after a long development cycle and major improvements in gameplay and visuals, the overall final experience was ultimately disappointing. While individual battles and encounters were enjoyable, the game never delivered the sense of epic wonder and magic that Final Fantasy games usually do. Metal Gear Solid V The first hour of Metal Gear Solid V was pure Kojima madness, and I really...

E3 2017 Highlights: Bethesda Press Conference

Everyone was expecting Bethesda to showcase something new and something exciting but people were let down by the lack of any.  No information about Starfield or the next TES games while they are still going on about Skyrim and Paid Mods. So let’s get on with what was actually announced by Bethesda. Doom VFR   The question to how they would answer traversal has been answered. Teleport your way around while blasting monsters and jamming to that awesome soundtrack in VR is going to be an absolute blast. Fallout 4 VR Do you like Fallout? Do you like VR? Do you like immersion? You’re in for a treat because Fallout 4 VR will let you play the entire game in VR. I hope you’re ready to get picked up and screamed in the face by a Deathclaw. Creation Club for Fallout 4 and Skyr...

What To Expect at E3 2017: Bethesda

Next up, Bethesda. A lot of rumours flying around with a new IP and VR versions of games. So let’s have a look at what we can expect from Bethesda at E3. Starfield This is what has people most excited. A brand new IP from Bethesda that takes place in Space! From the leaks that may or may not be true, this game is supposed to be a part of the Bethesda Universe where Fallout is the beginning and Elder Scrolls the far future with this being in-between in the time period.  With planet’s developed by developers and procedurally generated worlds as well, we wonder if this game will by the ultimate hype and then fail miserably. But from what we’ve read till now it seems to be a competitor for the Mass Effect series and I’m really excited to know about this new IP. Fallout ...

A Modder Is Trying To Bring New Vegas To Fallout 4

If you’re nostalgic and wonder what Fallout: New Vegas would look like if it had been released now, you can put your imagination to rest. A modder, by the name of Sir_Bumfrey_Diggles has taken it upon himself to bring the New Vegas world to the Fallout 4 engine, and it looks fantastic. The project is a work in progress, but you can check out Goodsprings and Primm in the video below. Sir_Bumfrey_Diggles says he’s working on the world design for the mod, while his friends will be taking care of the quests and scripting. “I have to recreate all the buildings from scratch, but the good thing about New Vegas is that many of the buildings are actually exact copies of others on the map,” he wrote on Reddit. “Essentially the more of the world I build, the quicker I can build.” He...

CNN Uses Fallout 4 Footage To Talk About Russian Hacking

During a report on the alleged Russian hacking of the US Presidential elections, CNN briefly showcased footage form Bethesda’s Fallout 4. Unearthed by Reddit user Poofylicious, the video shows a shot a computer with random strings of text. However, little did they know that this screen is actually quite common in the post-apocalyptic series, as you can see for yourself. It’s certainly humorous to see, but this isn’t the first time a news agency has done this. An Iranian network once showed footage from Medal of Honour during a report on a raid on ISIS. Yahoo chose to go for a Destiny screenshot for a web story about one of Saturn’s moons. Bethesda didn’t fail to respond either, sending out the following tweet after the news about the Fallout 4 footage began to...

Fallout 4 Will Definitely Get A Taste Of VR

At the E3 conference, Bethesda had announced that they were going to bring Fallout 4 to the realm of virtual reality, and it seems like the ambitious project is already underway. In an interview with Glixel, when asked whether they were trying to put all of Fallout 4 in VR, Todd Howard said, “We definitely are. That’s the promise of VR, being in a big virtual world. The core experience, meaning you put on the headset and you’re standing in the world of Fallout and can go where you want, just that little bit is every bit as cool as you hope it would be. Once we did that, we were like, “OK, we gotta see where this goes.” ” He goes on to say how the potential market in VR is not much of a concern for them, “We’re not so worried about how many we...

Watch Out For These Upcoming VR Games

VR headsets seem to be the centre of attention this year, and the hype is real. Whether it’s the HTC Vive or the PS VR, everyone seems to be craving for some of that virtual reality action, and for all the right reasons. Considering all this, it’ll be unfair not to have a list of the top titles that are making their debut on the VR platforms. So here it is, the GC list of the 5 best upcoming VR games (in no particular order, of course). Batman: Arkham VR Release Date: October 2016 Platform: PS VR Arkham: VR is a brand new take on the Arkham series (not a sequel, though), where you can be Batman. Finally, you can say AND mean the words “I’m Batman” (I mean, I’m Batman). The fascinating thing is that the game does not seem to be as action packed as the ori...

Skyrim And Fallout 4 To Get Mod Support And 4K For PS 4

Will they, won’t they, first Bethesda announces that Sony has declined any mod support for Skyrim on the PlayStation 4, but in the latest blog post, the studio says that both Skyrim SE and Fallout 4 are going to get mods on the PS 4. Geez, make up your mind, will you? But cribbing aside, it’s time for PS 4 players to rejoice. Why? Because not only will both your favourite Bethesda titles be getting mod support for the PS 4, but Skyrim will also have native 4K support for the PS 4 Pro right from the launch date. Here’s the official announcement: “We’re excited to announce that mod support is coming to PlayStation 4 for both Skyrim Special Edition and Fallout 4. Additionally, we’ll also be supporting the new PlayStation 4 Pro with both titles. Skyrim will have these f...

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