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CNN Uses Fallout 4 Footage To Talk About Russian Hacking

They didn't expect it to fall out this way.

CNN Uses Fallout 4 Footage To Talk About Russian Hacking

During a report on the alleged Russian hacking of the US Presidential elections, CNN briefly showcased footage form Bethesda’s Fallout 4.

Unearthed by Reddit user Poofylicious, the video shows a shot a computer with random strings of text. However, little did they know that this screen is actually quite common in the post-apocalyptic series, as you can see for yourself.


It’s certainly humorous to see, but this isn’t the first time a news agency has done this. An Iranian network once showed footage from Medal of Honour during a report on a raid on ISIS. Yahoo chose to go for a Destiny screenshot for a web story about one of Saturn’s moons.

Bethesda didn’t fail to respond either, sending out the following tweet after the news about the Fallout 4 footage began to spread.

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