PS4 Vs Xbox One

Console Vs PC: An Objective Discussion In 2017

If are confused as to what to buy for all your video game entertainment, this article will talk you through various points, including pros and cons for both platforms, and you can then make a choice. [interaction id=”597ae285ab8ce93f38ccb5ed”] Performance When it comes to performance, nothing can beat the power of a PC. The framerate in consoles for most games is locked at 30 FPS for now, but on the PC it depends on the hardware. Even with a mid range Graphic card like GTX 1050ti which is around 12k, you can get impressive performance at 1080p and play most of the games with high settings. It also depends on the optimization of the game but you can definitely get better FPS than consoles on an average, least 40-45 FPS. With the best graphic card i.e Nvidia’s GTX 1080Ti yo...

5 Reasons why XBOX One is Crap

OBLIGATORY DISLAIMER: The author does NOT hate the Xbox One and is enthusiastic about almost anything related to gaming. He is actually a pretty cool guy in real life and loves hugs, sunshine, puppies and long walks on the beach. And almost all of the above may or may not be total bullshit. In case you missed the PS4 bashing here it is 🙂 Ah, the Xbox One. Such a colossal series of fuck-ups. To criticize it is like fighting toddlers: Spectacularly easy, strangely satisfying and you always win, no matter what. Also, I had half a mind to pick the One up until two months ago. What changed, you ask? Well, MS announced the price, and I realized that I’d buy a fucking PC, like the rest of the country. Well here’s a break up of why the One is shit, and why many of the Xbox 360 owners are signing u...

4 Reasons Why PS4 Is Crap

Before you almost fall off your chair and lean intently towards the screen thinking–“saale ne kya kaha??” Just want you to know this is an opinion piece and that the PS4 is a good gaming console no doubt, but there are a few areas I felt it needs to pick up its slack.   The PlayStation 4 is the result of careful consumer study and balanced research into what makes a console resonate with its target audience. A spectacle of engineering, PR and excellent game design coming together to take us to the future of gaming. Or it would have been if Sony hadn’t spent literally every second of every press conference blatantly taking the piss out of Microsoft’s X-One. Running victory laps is fine as a joke, but not when that that joke becomes your entire sales pitch. It stopped ...

Metro 2033 Creators say PS4 is more powerful

Chief technical officer for 4A Games, Oles Shishkovstov says that the developer behind the Metro series is working on an open world title. In a rather long interview with Eurogamer, Oles talks in great detail about programming for both of the current gen consoles and further explains how ongoing improvements to their toolsets will contribute to their next game. 4A Games and publishers Deep Publisher recently came out with updated versions of both of their games–Metro 2033 and Metro: Last Light. The games are being sold separately and also in a bundle package called Metro Redux. These updates are a complete remaster and a sort of a director’s cut which had taken the Ukrainian studio more than a year to complete. Metro Redux is available on PC and the next gen consoles. While bot...

Xbox One vs. PS4 battle goes to The Big Bang Theory

Last night the latest episode of the popular sitcom The Big Bang Theory showed Sheldon Cooper facing a pretty tough choice of having to pick between the Xbox One or the Playstation 4. In the episode–The Indecision Amalgamation—Sheldon goes through the pros and cons of each system and also mentions that he cannot buy both as he doesn’t have enough space in his TV entertainment center. We are not going to spoil the episode for you, so go ahead and watch it and see what he decides to pick. The part where he starts about which one he should buy is about 14 minutes into the episode. Microsoft pitched in and tweeted: “You know what to do, Sheldon” with an image of the Xbox One attached to the tweet. Sony however, didn’t say anything to this.  

PS4 half a million ahead of Xbox One

PlayStation 4 is estimated to have sold around 1.25 million units in the US during November – around half a million more units than the Xbox One, according to predictions made by Wedbush Securities analyst Michael Pachter. “We expect hardware sales of 1.25 million PS4 units and 750,000 Xbox One units in their debut month,” reads Wedbush’s November 2013 NPD Preview report. PS4 launched in the US on November 15 and achieved global sales of 2.1m by December 1, with 700,000 said to have been sold outside of North America. Xbox One launched in 13 territories on November 22, and sold-through over one million units at launch. The report forecasts Wii U sales of 150,000, 700,000 Xbox 360 sales and 550,000 PS3 units. PS 4 India release Date and Price Online retailer Snapdeal...

Call Of Duty: Ghosts to run at 720p on Xbox one?

Microsoft’s  Xbox One has had a tough time ever since it was first announced, and now a new theory on Reddit suggests the next-gen console could face some new PR challenges. According to the Reddit thread, game journalists are dropping plenty of hints that suggest the Xbox One may have a potential graphics resolution problem. Now, Reddit user C-Ron has a thread that’s seeing plenty of activity after he claimed Microsoft is trying to delay some potentially damaging news that the Xbox One may not stack up to expectations. According to C-Ron, “From what I’ve read on Twitter, NeoGAF and other sources, basically, the console’s ESRAM is this generation’s Cell CPU. It makes games harder to develop for, which is resulting in a lot of multiplatform games being in lower resol...

Performance anxiety for PS4 and Xbox One ?

With the upcoming next generation of consoles, PlayStation 4 is currently around 50 per cent faster than its rival Xbox One. Multiple high-level game development sources have described the difference in performance between the consoles as “significant” and “obvious.” It is reported that memory reads on PS4 are 40-50 per cent quicker than Xbox One, and its ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit) is around 50 per cent faster. One basic example we were given suggested that without optimisation for either console, a platform-agnostic development build can run at around 30FPS in 1920×1080 on PS4, but it’ll run at “20-something” FPS in 1600×900 on Xbox One. “Xbox One is weaker and it’s a pain to use its ESRAM,” concluded one developer. Microsoft is aware of the problem and, having recently upped the clock s...

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