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Top 10 Worst Video Games Of 2017

Top 10 Worst Video Games Of 2017

This year we have seen good games, some meh games and some shit games. We’ve talked at length about the good games and this list focuses on the bad ones. These are the games that you should skip this year, and it’s not going to be that hard, given the sheer amount of great titles released in 2017. So here are the top 10 worst games of 2017:

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Moto Racer 4

This Iteration of Moto Racer wasn’t able to leave a mark. The game is bland, mediocre, dull and generic racing game, the game is not even good looking. And it has one of the annoying campaign modes every featured in a Moto Racer game. It’s progression system is like a mobile game where you require stars to progress through levels. It’s tries to be a racer but it fatally fails in doing so.

Mass Effect Andromeda

There is nothing to say about this game. This game was glitchy, buggy, unfinished, and the story was forgettable. I didn’t have a hard time finding reasons to hate on this game. Although they might have improved the game now but still the game is not a good one. The world was bland and there was nothing that differentiated planets, every planet felt the same. More focus should have been on writing. The gameplay was good but everything else around this game sucked.

Conan Exiles

This game has no relation to Conan except the physique of the character. The world seems dull and bland. This game is the very weird MMO RPG version of Conan the Barbarian.This game isn’t a bad game it’s just an average one there were some fun bits in this game aswell but overall it’s a weird game, there isn’t much purpose in this game and also  you are naked.

Double Dragon IV

This game tries to capture the vibe and aesthetic of the NES game but fails as the NES was okay but not great. And most importantly nobody wanted this game. We might get nostalgic while playing this but thats it nothing else. It seems to me like it is a cash grab. The game can get punishing at times as when you take a hit, then enemies stand over you so as soon as you stand they hit you with a cheap shot. And the game is awfully short it can be completed in under 2 hours.

Power Ranger Mega Battle

This is least refined beat em’ up in several years. Power Rangers Mega Battle looks like a mobile game. It is the most simplistic beat em’ up, there is nothing new in this game they had a good idea but they lacked execution. This games was rushed and had more potential than it delivered and as a kid who grew watching Power Rangers I’m still waiting for a good power rangers game.

Valkyria Revolution

This was one of the biggest disappointments of the year, As Dynasty Warriors is a pretty fun game and this game was based on that formula but it added many random menus and the pace of this game was alot slower when compared to Dynasty Warriors. There are a lot of cutscenes in this game. the game is 3/4 about cutscenes and 1/4 combat, and you can’t skip dialogues. The game is about a group of characters standing around a table and nothing moving but their mouths.

Sniper Ghost Warrior 3

This was one of the most anticipated game for me this year but i was disappointed. It isn’t a bad game, it is fun to play this game but this game had potential that it wasn’t able to fully utilise. The slow motion kills get repetitive after some time and they are not even that good as kill cams in Sniper Elite. This games feels more like been there done that, and if you have played Far Cry 3 then you’ll feel right at home.

Life of the Black Tiger

I have no idea why this game exists. In this game you play as a Black Tiger and you just have to kill different species, That’s it. It has no gameplay elements, no story, no proper animations. Simply no nothing. The game doesn’t make sense and simply a crap game. Stay away from it.

Troll and I

This games sells itself as a Co-op game but it barely passes as a single player game. No to people are simultaneously engaged. The gameplay is lackluster, the combat gets boring after a while and repetitive. The core concept of the game is quite dull. This game must be skipped this year.

Syberia 3

This is your typical point and click game and nothing more than that which is not quite exciting for a game like this. The puzzles are quite obvious but take quite some to solve as you have to go to places to solve the puzzles. After some time to game feels like a chore. The story doesn’t seem serious as there is bad voice acting and there are lip syncing issues.

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