
Review Bombing Is A Problem That Gamers Have Created For Themselves

In the recent news, Steam users have been found out to “Review Bomb”, that is, players posted a lot of negative reviews on Steam to lower a game’s overall review score, on the big titles such as GTA V for banning mods and DOTA 2 because there’s no Half-life 3 Review Bombing is a big issue that must be dealt with extreme delicacy. People criticize a game for reasons that are outside the game altogether. They may criticize an awesome game for it hurt their believes and faith. Other times they may be prompted to do such a thing by their ideals as was the case when famous YouTuber Pewdiepie encouraged his subscribers to leave bad reviews on steam for Firewatch, a delightful game that had earned the respect and faith of many critics and players alike in the past. Yet, one mino...

Someone Over At Valve Still Cares About Half Life, Still No Signs Of Half Life 3

Although there is still no signs of Half Life 3, someone at valve is still working on the original Half Life. It is nothing big but someone has provided Half Life (1998) with an update which fixed the following issues- Fixed crash when entering certain malformed strings into the game console. Thanks to Marshal Webb from BackConnect, Inc for reporting this. Fixed crash when loading a specially crafted malformed BSP file. Thanks to Grant Hernandez (@Digital_Cold) for reporting this. Fixed malformed SAV files allowing arbitrary files to be written into the game folder. Thanks to Vsevolod Saj for reporting this. Fixed a crash when quickly changing weapons that are consumable. Thanks to Sam Vanheer for reporting this. Fixed crash when setting custom decals Not many people would be exciting abou...

Valve To Add PS 4 Controller Support To Steam In Future Update

During Steam Dev Days, Valve’s annual conference focused on developers, Jeff Bellinghausen announced that Valve will release an update that adds DualShock 4 support to Steam’s Controller configuration settings, bringing the improved optimization for the beloved PS 4 controller. As reported by Gamasutra, developer Lars Doucet (Defender’s Quest) said, ““Believe it or not, when you use the PS4 Controller through the Steam API, it’s exactly the same as a Steam Controller. You make the exact same API calls, you only get actions, not inputs, and the Steam API takes care of everything.” The Steam controller and the DualShock 4 have a lot of overlapping capabilities, thanks to the DualShock’s gyro and touchpad. The Steam controller offers quite a large number of cusom...

Digital Homicide Withdraws Lawsuit, Co-Founder Says Studio Is Destroyed

Digital Homicide, the infamous studio that has recently been in the news over a lawsuit where the studio sued over 100 Steam users for USD 18 million, has now withdrawn their claim, saying they can no longer pursue the lawsuit. “Upon filing this case, per advice of the local sheriff who could not help me or my business with a massive ARS-13-2921 criminal harassment problem on an Internet Store front and via email, The Plaintiffs business was destroyed completely financially disabling The Plaintiff, destroying usability of all current work effort, and untold other damages,” the filing says. In an interview with TechRaptor, studio co-founder and developer James Romine Jr. said that he still believes the case is solid, but the studio has been financially crippled due to the remova...

True Visionaries In The Gaming Industry (Pt.1)

Making a video game isn’t a one man job, well at least making a good one isn’t. Everybody from the director all the way down to game testers, play a crucial role in determining how good or bad the game will turn out. All these people work together toward a common goal, which is to make a game that leaves an impression on gamers across the world, achieving success in both critical acclaim and sales. However, there usually is one person who leads the development of a game or of the industry in general. Their vision is what pushes the rest to work toward a goal. It’s hard to come up with a brilliant idea, but it’s harder to convince others of the same. It takes a lot of courage and belief in an idea for one to rise above the rest and see that idea through till its comp...

“Portal” Movie Announcement Could Happen Soon

Back in 2013, fanboys jumped with joy when J.J. Abrams and Gabe Newell (AKA Lord Gaben) announced a joint partnership between Valve and Bad Robot, and rightly so – they said that the two will not only be working on a future game together, but also movies based on Half Life and Portal. If that’s not a reason to get excited, I don’t know what is. Speaking with IGN, J.J. Abrams said that he was in process of meeting with the writers who are also fans of the games, additionally revealing that an announcement regarding the Portal movie may happen soon. “We have a meeting coming up next week with Valve. We’re very active, I’m hoping that there will be a Portal announcement fairly soon,” he said. “We are having some really interesting discussions with writers… it’s incredible wh...

Brace Yourselves, Steam Store Overhaul Incoming

Looks like Valve is planning a makeover for its beloved storefront, Steam. According to a developer-specific post shared on NeoGAF, the home page design is in the waiting for a major overhaul, with the addition of a new, prominent “Popular Among Friends” section. Here’s what the official post reads: “We wanted to let you know about some upcoming improvements we’re working on for the Steam Store and what it might mean for your game. When we launched the Steam Discovery Update, we introduced a new and smarter Steam store built around personalization and recommendations. In the time since the Discovery Update, we’ve iterated on the features and made improvements to support the goal of helping each customer find the titles they are most likely to enjoy playi...

Steam Reiterates Its Refund Policy Regarding No Man’s Sky

After a Reddit post claiming that Steam was offering refunds for No Man’s Sky irrespective of playtime went up, people were quick to take notice. The post became widely popular, going to to become on of the most upvoted posts on the site, and while it is technically not false, it is misleading. Yes, it is possible to get a refund on No Man’s Sky irrespective of the fact whether you’ve played it for 1 hour or 100, Valve hasn’t exactly made an exception to its automatic refund policy for the game, and thanks to the huge number of players asking for a refund, there’s now a PSA on the No Man’s Sky store page to make things clear. As the official policy, a game will be refunded by Valve as long as “the request is made within fourteen days of purchase, and the...

Left 4 Dead: The Movie Is Coming Soon To Theaters

It’s time to rejoice for all the fans who spent their nights with friends fighting the zombie hordes, getting raped by chargers, ridden by jockeys, puked on by spitters and one hit KO-ed buy the wretched, notorious witch. The loved co-op zombie survival game Left 4 Dead is getting its own movie, and very soon. After spending a long time is gestation, the project is finally complete and has a release date of 10 September 2016. Here’s what director Daniele Belucci has to say, “There are also a couple of more reasons I’m writing down these few lines. The first one is my strong will to thank every single person out there to have followed and supported us during these years. You have been the strongest reason for us to go further into this project and never gave up! At the tim...

Meet Monkey King, The First Original DOTA 2 Hero

The International 6 just keeps getting more and more interesting. Teams that were unknown a year go are taking over the tournament, Pit Lord is finally coming to the game and in latest news, Valve announced another hero, the first one that isn’t a port from the original DOTA. After yesterday’s matches, fans were asked to stick around fora while for a presentation which turned out to be a martial arts peformance accompanied by Taiko drums, and they the latest addition to the DOTA 2 roster – Monkey King.   Monkey King will be featured as a part of “The New Journey” update, a name apt because it represents the Monkey King’s journey to the West, along with the general direction of the game now that Pit Lord will complete the DOTA 2 hero pool. The hero&#...

Pit Lord is Coming To Dota 2, Finally!

This year’s International has been full of surprises, with OG biting the dust, along with most of the major top tier DOTA 2 teams, and TnC emerging as rising stars. Damn my predictions! *silently weeps in corner*. And while we shudder at the thought of how the SEA servers are going to be like in near future, you know, thanks to people already claiming they’re TnC and they’ll mid and then feeding the enemy team 2-34 (can you imagine?), all hope is not lost. At the International 6 All Star match – a friendly game between two teams randomly comprising of players from the participating teams – Valve revealed the newest addition to the DOTA 2 roster. *drum roollll* That’s right! Vrogros, the Underlord, or as the players better know him, the Pit Lord will be a...

Windows 10 Will Make Steam Worse And Broken: Tim Sweeney

Epic Games’ co-founder Tim Sweeney is known for openly speaking against Microsoft’s Universal Windows Platform, describing it as a “Microsoft-controlled distribution and commerce monopoly”. He clearly is not a fan of what Microsoft may have in store for us with Windows 10. In a recent interview with Edge Magazine, Sweeney has directly targeted his criticisms, saying that future updates in Windows 10 may make third party applications and stores like Steam progressively worse. Here is his official statement: “There are two programming interfaces for Windows and every app has to choose one of them. Every Steam app – every PC game for the past few decades – has used Win32. It’s been both responsible for the vibrant software market we have now, but also for malware. Any progra...

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