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NVIDIA Day Celebrations Gear Up Mumbai Round Up

NVIDIA Day Celebrations Gear Up Mumbai Round Up

The last and final of the NVIDIA Day celebrations took place in Mumbai’s Gear Up Cafe in Powai. This event concluded the NVIDIA Day celebrations that took place in major cities like Bangalore and Hyderabad. Much like the crowd at at PlayMax, people showed up much before the time allotted to them.


For this particular event we invited individuals to play a series of games and accomplish tasks within those games to complete a checklist. Gamers came in a bit confused as to what a casual tournament would entail, but they got better acquainted with the idea as the event went along.


So the games we had showcased for this event were Left 4 Dead, Team Fortress and War Thunder. Most of the gamers hadn’t really played a majority of the assigned games, hence making this event a way for them to dabble a bit outside their gaming comfort zone. Team Fortress 2 was a hit with the crowd as people formed two teams and went full on each other’s throats. Gamers kept their cool (even though the AC sort of konked off for a bit) taking on fellow gamers as well as playing single player missions.


We also took short 5 minute breaks for gamers to interact with each other and get a chance to ask questions they had regarding NVIDIA related products. A special thanks to Yogi for conducting these interactive sessions and for engaging with the gamers.


There was also a showcasing of the Titan X, well not a showcasing as much as passing around. Everyone got theirs hands on the monstrous GPU and were in complete awe of the product. It was quite something to see their eyes light up at the sight of the product.


Coming to Mumbai has always been an amazing experience (Thanks  America!) and this trip has been nothing short of that. I had the opportunity of meeting some really amazing individuals who give back to society by doing what they love the most, gaming, who I will tell more about in the weeks to come. It was quite a pleasure working with Hitul, Yogi and with everyone who helped in managing the event. But just a shout out to all you guys who came out and attended this event and made it the success it was. It was just a lot of fun meeting you guys and I can’t wait to come back.

I couldn’t have thought of a better way to end the NVIDIA Day Celebrations.


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After undergoing the IB curriculum in Kodaikanal, Joash disciplined in English and Political Science at St. Stephens, Delhi. Then went on to do his post graduate diploma in Mass communication and journalism at Xavier Institute of Mass Communications, Bombay. He has a thing for motorbikes, cameras, drums & the lovely Jeniffer Piccinato

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