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Top 50 Games To Get Your Girlfriend/Boyfriend Into Gaming (Part 1)

Top 50 Games To Get Your Girlfriend/Boyfriend Into Gaming (Part 1)

So, you love playing video games, and would love to have your girlfriend/boyfriend as Player 2 along your side. Well, here are our top 50 picks of games to get your girlfriend/boyfriend into gaming. Also, everyone has their own tastes and preferences, especially if they’re new to games and not too familiar with the controls. However, do not underestimate anyone’s capacity to take quickly to new concepts in games. A lot of these games on the list have been taken from personal experience of mine and people I know. Go easy, and have fun! Hopefully no controllers get thrown around. Also, this is the first part of a five part list, so be sure to check back for more.


Journey is pretty much a no-brainer. It’s easy to control, and immediately catches the eye. The music, and overall design is very evocative. This was one of the earliest games my girlfriend played, and loved so much that she bought it again on the PS4.

Grand Theft Auto V

Now, I know what you’re thinking – ‘Do I really want to introduce any new to games by showing them Grand Theft Auto V?’ You know what though, the sheer freedom that GTA V offers, including the quieter moments in between might exactly be what you significant other digs. I remember once when I was playing GTA V, and my girlfriend walked on me beating up some pedestrians. She was initially shocked, but then got curious. She asked to play for a bit, and ended up going on a rampage across the city, with the cops on her tail (I turned on cheats, of course). Since then, she often plays GTA V after a tough day at work, just to unwind. I guess bring a primary teacher ain’t no easy job.

Forza Horizon 3

Racing games are often easy to control, and gorgeous too look at. And it doesn’t get prettier than Forza Horizon 3. Also, the more organic nature of picking up races, and the freedom of driving around Australia, makes the experience all the more enjoyable.

Until Dawn

Until Dawn is the kind of game that you two can play together, make choices for the players, and enjoy a few good scares.

Nidhogg 2 – AKA The Greatest Video Game Ever Made

Most fighting games are not as easy to get into, but Nidhogg 2 is unlike any fighting game you’ll ever play. It’s easy to grasp, and near impossible to master. This is one of my girlfriend’s favorite games because she always wins. Maybe I suck at Nidhogg, but the game is incredibly fun!

Ghost Recon: Wildlands

Alright, now this might be a tougher sell, but similar to GTA V, Wildlands offers a ton of freedom. And playing this together, communicating properly. or even just driving around the open world is a ton of fun. Marking enemies, syncing shots, and having each other’s backs might even lead to some Mr. & Mrs. Smith moments.

What Remains Of Edith Finch

Story driven games are an easy sell. They are easier to control, usually look great, and have a strong narrative hook. What Remains Of Edith Finch is a great start for anyone new to video games.

Limbo (And Then Cuphead!)

This is another one of my girlfriend’s favorites. Limbo is easy to pick up, has clever puzzles that are satisfying to solve, and has a unique look to it. Also, I wasn’t kidding about Cuphead. The way it looks is an instant head-turner, and even has co-op which is really fun.

Destiny 2

This offers the same sort of fun that Wildlands does, but with a more tightly directed experience. The first person shooting can be a bit tough to get a hang of for newbies, but this is a Bungie shooter, so if they’re to learn, it might as well be with Destiny.

Divinity: Original Sin

Alright, this is probably the toughest game for a new-comer in the list, but also has the most robust co-op experience, along with excellent game and a fantastic overall story. Playing together and puzzling out battles can be a great experience. Most importantly, robbing a merchant’s house while your significant other keeps him occupied in casual conversation never gets old.

We hope this list gave you some good games to try getting you girlfriend/boyfriend into gaming. This is the first part of a five part list, so be sure to check back for more.

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