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Top 10 Games You Probably Missed From E3 2017

Top 10 Games You Probably Missed From E3 2017

We’ve covered the highs, lows, disappointments, and no-shows of E3 2017. Here is the last list of games we might have looked over or missed but are still really cool and promising.

Sonic Forces

This has been announced for quite some time now. However, we finally got an in-depth look at it. There are 3 primary “modes” in the game. Modern Sonic, Classic Sonic, and Forces Sonic. That new mode is one that mixes the two other modes, and allows you to create a new character based on an animal, and play the game your way. The new game looks pretty cool, and launches on PS4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC some time later this year.

Call of Cthulu

This is another one we’ve known about for quite some time. It was announced back in February of 2016. Finally, we have gotten a trailer to give us an idea of what the game is about. Sadly, there’s no gameplay, but it appears you are playing as “Mr. Pierce” who is in a hospital and is being treated for some sort of “affliction”. He claims his nightmares are real, but the doctor says otherwise. Are they real, or is he just insane? Play the game later this year on PS4, Xbox One and PC.

ChromaGun – Be More Like John

This is a mix of a gameplay trailer and a story trailer. ChromaGun – Be More Like John is a first person puzzle game that doesn’t look to take itself too seriously. If you liked Portal, this is a game for you. ChromaGun releases later this year on PS4.


This was announced recently, in a rather contradictory change of heart it seems (not that we’re complaining). The game is coming to PS4, and we finally get to see how it plays on PS4. It’s a fast paced gravity defying FPS that doesn’t hold back. Cliff Bliszinski  didn’t care for the best of the best graphics, although the game does look pretty, he just wanted something fun, and it appears that’s what he got. You can look forward to playing Lawbreakers on PS4 and PC August 8th for the great price of $29.99.

Gundam Versus Gameplay

Another game we’ve known about getting a gameplay trailer. Gundam Versus is going for some huge amount of customization. Over 90 Mobile Suits, up to 6 player online battles, and chaotic battles. Gundam Versus releases on PS4 later this year.

Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2

Another Lego game, does it really need much introduction? This time traveling time to show us the heroes the world has seen over its history. Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2 releases for PS4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC November 14th.

Agents of Mayhem

A proper gameplay showing. Agents of Mayhem is a game set in the Saints Row Universe, except in an alternate version of it. With tons of characters to play as you can swap out on the fly. The signature, snarky humor if the Saints Row games, and beautiful cell shaded graphics. Agents of Mayhem is one to look out for. Agents of Mayhem releases on PS4, Xbox One, and PC August 15th.

Burly Men at Sea

This title alone makes me interested. This game was revealed for Sony platforms at E3 with this trailer, and it is a modern minimalist folk tale meant to draw you in with its witty story, and simple graphics. Coming to PS4 and Vita at a currently undisclosed date.

Unto the End

Unto the End is a new side scrolling action hack and slash game. Cinematic in it’s presentation and hand crafted art style really make it stand out. Unto the End releases on PS4, Xbox One, and PC in 2018.


Valfaris was announced at E3 silently, and is a heavy metal infused 2D action-platformer. Coming from the team behind cult hit Slain: Back From Hell. The game releases on PS4, Xbox One, and PC in 2018.

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