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Skyblivion Gets A Teaser Trailer – Familiar Faces

Skyblivion Gets A Teaser Trailer – Familiar Faces

There is no shortage of mods for Bethesda’s popular RPG, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, and yet they never seem to be enough.

Some dedicated fans want to take it to a higher level. TESRenewal, the team responsible for giving us the divine merging of Morrowind and Oblivion (called Morrowblivion, duh), is working on another overhaul that combines Oblivion with the engine of Skyrim, bring the game back to life in modern day graphics.

Skyblivion aims to take the entire game of Oblivion and port it to Skyrim as a mod, bringing every quest, NPC, location and whatnot along. You might want to think of it has TES-ception. It has beenin works for quite a while, and the team has just released a video showing their progress.

The project doesn’t seem to be ready for release yet, as it has only reached version 0.2, but seeing how ambitious it is, that’s understandable. There’s also a constant call for modders, designers and programmers, so anyone who is interested in contributing can check out the requirements on the project’s official website.

For more news and reviews, keep checking back at Gaming Central.

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  1. This pleases the rooster!


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