Today Microsoft launched it’s Surface Pro 4 in India. The surface pro 4 is a Tablet/Laptop. It’s a big leap forward from the Pro 3. Surface Pro 4 is a powerful devise with 16 GB ram and 1 TB Storage. It uses 6th Generation Intel core processor. It’s also 30% faster than Surface Pro 3 and 50% faster than Mac Book Air. You can watch our first impressions in the video below: There is a power and volume button on top. It has a USB 3.0 Port and a SD card reader. It also has a rear facing 8 Mega Pixel camera and a front facing 5 Mega pixel camera. The display on the Surface Pro 4 is a 12.3 inch pixel sense display, with a precise and responsive touch. The Surface Pro 4 much lighter (.785 kg) and thinner (8.4mm) than the Surface pro 3. It also comes with a pen which is pretty handy tool for desig...
Demand for the $150 Xbox One Elite controller has surpassed Microsoft’s original planning and the company is now “working to get more in stock.” That’s according to Xbox boss Phil Spencer, who talked more about the demand for the sold-out controller in an exchange with fans on Twitter recently. “We are working to get more in stock,” he said to one person. “Sorry they’ve been so hard to find.” Asked by another if they could expect to be able to buy an Elite controller before Christmas (December 25), Spencer wouldn’t say yes or no. “It’s tough, as I don’t want to over-promise,” he explained. “Demand has just exceeded our planning. If you find one and you want it, pick it up, sorry.” The Xbox One E...
Microsoft today announced the launch of Lumia 950 and Lumia 950 XL, the first Lumia phones to come pre-loaded with Windows 10, in India. Designed to offer consumers the best of Windows 10 combined with powerful and performance driven technology, the new flagship devices include innovative features like Cortana, Windows Hello beta for Lumia and Continuum for phones. With stunning HD displays, new PureView cameras with 20 megapixel sensors and triple LED natural flash that shoots 4K video, as well as the latest in processing power, the Lumia 950 and Lumia 950 XL represent the best innovation from Microsoft. Starting today, the Lumia 950 and Lumia 950 XL will be available for pre-booking at Microsoft Priority Resellers across the country, Microsoft Store on and retail chains of Crom...
If you’re an avid gamer, and you missed IGX, then you missed out on what was one of the most enjoyable gaming events in India. IGX, or Indian Games Expo, was held for the first time in Mumbai, on the 14th and 15th of November. Players could try out all the latest games including Call Of Duty: Black Ops III, Witcher 3, Assassin’s Creed Syndicate, and many more. However, it wasn’t just games. You could meet game developers like Apar Games and Vanishing Point Studios, who showed off their upcoming games. Gamers looking to get the latest games and buy some cool gaming merchandise could go to GamesTheShop, Psychostore, Sunder Electronics, and many other stores present there. We also got to check out VR equipment made by Absentia VR, a Bangalore-based startup showed off its Tes...
Earlier today 343 Industries studio head Josh Holmes speaking to Red Bull announced that there are no plans to introduce story-based downloadable content for Halo 5: Guardians. Talking to Red Bull, Holmes said,”Everything we make from video games, to live-action entertainment, to consumer products, is held not only to that standard, but also a personal standard for the studio that is born from our passion for Halo.” It’s true that Halo’s true next-generation debut dazzles on a purely technical level, what will arguably have more impact for seasoned fans is the inclusion of a new playable lead in the form of Spartan Locke. Holmes continued saying, “While we’re always looking for new ways to expand the Halo universe, we do not currently have any plans to r...
Early creators of Halo franchise- Bungie has spoken out to congratulate Microsoft and developer 343 industries on the launch of Halo 5: Guardians. Congratulations to 343i on the launch of Halo 5. We can’t wait to see where the Chief goes next. Cheers! — Bungie (@Bungie) October 27, 2015 The official Halo Twitter account responded: “Thanks for the kind words! We hope you enjoy. P.s. we’re looking forward to rocking holiday emotes this weekend.” Halo 5: Guardians released on October 27, 2015 is receiving an over-whelming response from all over the world. Developers 343 industries was established by Microsoft in 2009 following a split between Microsoft and Bungie in 2007. Bungie, the creator of the acclaimed blockbuster Halo series developed all major installments up u...
Microsoft’s legacy of providing the best game lineup to its customers is growing day-by day. Stepping away from its past failures, Microsoft is doing great now and the company has been trying the best to regain their customers trust. Back in 2013 when Microsoft changed its policies the company has lost most of it. Phil Spencer, head of Microsoft’s Xbox One recently signed up for an interview with Geekwire. Spencer said, “You know, I don’t know. You know, the length of the generation… They [Sony] have a huge lead and they have a good product. I love the content, the games line-up that we have.” when Spencer was asked, “Could Xbox One beat down PS4 sales?” He also stated,”We often work hard to bring up an excellent product, to bring back ...
Development of Microsoft’s Hololens isn’t that quick and day-by-day its getting delayed. In an interview with Microsoft’s CEO Satya Nadella, Satya Nadella said the road to Hololens will be five year journey. He also said,”Developers version of Hololens will be launched within an year after Windows 10.” Microsoft’s press release in New York on 6th of October was quite big, their was a huge line up of new hardware which included: Three new Windows 10 mobile phones. New Surface Pro 4 has something far better than Surface Pro 3. A new way to the future, Hololens. and the extraordinary Microsoft band. HoloLens is shaping up a very interesting turn in Microsoft industry. During the press release Terry Myerson, Microsoft’s windows and devices group vice p...
Microsoft showed up few hotline hardware in the NY press conference. Three Windows 10 mobiles, Hololens, Microsoft Band and Surface Pro 4 were the main attraction in the event. The love of Microsoft on perfect and real hardware is unclenching even though Microsoft failed with its design several times, but presenting you the new Surface Pro 4 from Surface line which could change the fate of Microsoft’s hardware lineup. During the press release Microsoft has announced new hardware gimmick in Surface franchise. Well unlike its earlier version of Surface line i.e Surface Pro 3, the new hardware is unique and improved in its own way. Catch the new Microsoft Surface Pro 4 Zoom-in: Design: Silver smooth metal laptop similar to Mac book Pro outer design. 8.4mm thinner than Surface Pro 3. Wei...
Microsoft held a big press conference in New York. Its rival Apple has already held press conference regarding its upcoming hot new hardware which included the new updated Siri TV, 3rd party controller for Apple etc etc. Microsoft has also planned to announce their new hardware devices. Windows 8 could be called as an obnoxious OS from Microsoft, it couldn’t entertain both PC and mobile devices. The best ever OS from Microsoft is Windows 10 and after its release over PC the company has gained huge respect across the globe. It’s been 3 months since Windows 10 has arrived PCs, however Windows phone users are still busy in waiting for Windows 10 on their devices. Yesterday at Microsoft’s press release, the company announced three new Lumia mobile phones which will be operati...
As of today, you can play all the game modes in Gears of War: Ultimate Edition across the entire map catalogue. Gears of War: Ultimate Edition developer The Coalition has updated the game’s multiplayer portion to allow for all modes to be played across all 19 included maps. This is done by removing map restrictions from all of the game’s playlists. The Coalition is looking for feedback to see what works and what doesn’t. The developer wants fans to visit the game’s forums and tell them how everything is playing out. Gears of War: Ultimate Edition is available now. You can also read our review here. For more news and reviews, keep checking back Gaming Central.
Microsoft’s Chairman Bhaskar Pramanik and Director Vineet Durani introduced India to Windows 10 at Pragati Maidan today. Microsoft billed it as the “Best Windows Ever” and also said that it’s the last numbered Windows as from now on they will update Windows “Every few months”. What’s more, the Start Button and Menu are back, but wear a slick new coat of paint. Windows 10 is significantly different from the traditional Windows: It’s provided as a free upgrade for one. And unlike previous generations of Windows, the same OS runs across all devices that run Windows, from toaster ovens to hyper computers (yes, Smart toasters are actually a thing now), with the same apps. The Modern apps now scale according to devices and run on most devices that...