
Report: Battlefield 4 latest DLC details leaked

There a number of videos and images floating around the net revealing new weapons and other additional items coming to Battlefiel 4 in its latest DLC, Dragon’s Teeth. Various users on the Symthic forums and Reddit went through files that were recently added to the PC version of the game and here are some of them: Desert Eagle (handgun) Unica 6 Magnum (handgun) SIG MPX (submachine gun) SRSS Bulldog 762 (assault rifle) McMillan CS5 (sniper rifle) The video above by user DANNYonPC also confirms the ballistic shield DICE had said they’d add to Dragon’s Teeth DLC, and a remote control robot equipped with a machine gun and grenade launcher. Other details that we managed to get online suggest that Dragon’s Teeth will raise the rank cap from 120 to 130, and the new maps which will be b...

Massive Megalodon shark Easter Egg found on Battlefield 4

A new enemy now wanders the seas of the Nansha Strike map of Battlefield 4. And its not some little fin that is sticking out of the water or something. Its a prehistoric Megalondon shark and trust us, it does not disappoint. YouTuber JackFrags were the ones that made the insane discovery within a week’s release of the Naval Strike DLC, which introduced the Nansha Strike map.   “When it happened for the first time I didn’t think it was real, like I had imagined it or something,” JackFrags stated on Twitter. He said he asked the other players on the server if they saw the shark as well and they reported that they did. “The reaction was amazing,” he said. Source:  Eddie Makuch

New Mode Carrier Assault added to Battlefield 4’s Naval Strike DLC

Not sure how many of you’ll will have an idea as to what Battlefield 2142 is. It was the 2006 Battlefield spin-off set in the future. One of the modes on that game called Titan was quite a hit with players. And now, developer DICE is reimagining it for release as DLC for Battlefield 4. Naval Strike, the Battlefield 4 expansion will include a new mode called Carrier Assault, which in the words of DICE is described as a “re-imagining of the classic Battlefield 2142 Titan Mode”. No much is known about this project at the moment, but we can look back at Titan for some clues as to what this upcoming DLC has in store for us. In Titan, players formed teams and their aim was to work together to destroy opposing team’s Titan while defending their own. Titans were airborne wa...

Announcing the Battlefield 4 Player Appreciation Month

Battlefield 4 developer DICE is launching a “Player Appreciation Month” running from 1st February to 6th March to give thanks to the hard working veterans who valiantly fought through Battlefield 4’s buggy launch. As such, Battlefield 4 players will receive such perks as a new Battlepack for every day they log in. These contain perks like bonus XP and soldier camos. Weekdays will net players bronze Battlepacks, while weekends come with niftier silver ones. Gold Battlepacks will be granted to those who fulfill Community Missions, like collecting a certain number of dog tags in a specified time. More details about these will follow on the official Battlefield Blog. The February celebration will also include complementary shortcut bundles, offering all grenades and handguns ...

Respawn issues hit Battlefield 4 PC

A server update that went live over night for Battlefield 4 on Windows PC has apparently caused users a number of problems and may have introduced a bug preventing payers from respawning, according to posts on Reddit and Battlelog. DICE has yet to share details on all changes made with the update, but server update R20 seems to be preventing some players from respawning after dying, according to a thread on Reddit discussing the issue. Other players are reporting on the Battlelog forums that they can’t connect to servers altogether or are booted out in the middle of matches. Some players have reported that updating their Punkbuster files solves the respawning problem. According to the thread, this quick fix does not work all the time, and some have reported further crash problems aft...

5 Funny Gaming Glitches of 2013

Here is a list of glitches of 2013. Some are incredibly funny, while some showcase the downside of an industry too focused on release dates. Lets check them out. Dancing Torture – Battlefield 4 In the latest addition to the war game connoisseurs’ favourite game, war is hell. It’s the closest thing any of our generation of gamers will get to actual open warfare, and the franchise thrives on the so-called authenticity that makes it stand out against long-time rival Call Of Duty, and there’s no way EA would ever be caught making glitchy Battlefield games that are both comical and horrifying. Battlefield 4 was probably the most glitchy of all Battlefield titles in the early days (especially in the open beta) and it became obvious that one of the most devastating weapons in the entire game was ...

Battlefield 4: Conquest Gameplay Tips

Conquest is probably one of the fun game modes to play in Battlefield 4. Your entire team get to battle it out on a large and open environment, in which you can use both infantry and vehicles to capture flags, while countering your opponent’s tactics. The game requires teamwork, nevertheless is the loads of fun. One of the main features of Conquest is that it focuses on coordinating attacks and defensive strategies with your squad and your whole team. You’ve got to know how to play this game properly in order to win matches, so we’ve compiled a few tips that you could use while playing Conquest in Battlefield 4.  1. Join a Squad If you’re all alone and aren’t going into game with your buddies then we suggest you join a squad once you’re in-game. Pulling ...

Battlefield 4 banned in China

According to a report, Battlefield 4  has been banned in China. The ministry of Culture of the People’s Republic of China stated that EA’s first person shooter was “an aggressive attack on it’s culture.”   A Chinese social media website Weibo has already banned searches for the game. According to a translated statement –“Ministry of Culture: Battlefield 4 is an illegal video game, with content that endangers national security. It is an aggressive attack on our culture”. It went on to say “After the ban of Battlefield 4, we demand that all items related to the game – downloads, Raiders, patches and news – are to be deleted.”   The ban followed the release of ‘China Rising’, a DLC map pac...

EA to face lawsuit over Battlefield 4

So Rockstar aren’t the only ones under the lawsuit radar. There is a law firm that is looking at the possibilities of suing EA over Battlefiled 4, claiming that EA misled investors over the condition of the game. Just days before the game was released, several EA executives offloaded almost $5 million in EA stock. “Another law firm, Bower Piven, has filed the same class-action lawsuit, and they’re seeking for an EA investor that has lost at least $200,000 on EA stock purchased over the past few months. EA’s shares have been very volatile lately, due to the problems of Battlefield 4.” There is no doubt that all the problems that Battlefield 4 launched with have resulted in lost sales. The game was practically unplayable when it launched, and only now, after almost two mont...

Battlefield issues persist, affect EA stocks

EA’s stocks have fallen more than a shocking 5% since the issues with Battlefield 4 started on Xbox One and PlayStation 4. There were issues with bugs, servers, game ejections, and downloadable content, which forced developer DICE to diverted their attention and effort away from “future projects” and devote resources to repairing the problematic shooter. “Shares are currently selling for $21.21, versus yesterday’s closing price of $22.34.” DICE has managed to patch up the PS4 version of Battlefield 4, and have hopefully cleared it of its one-hit kill bug, crashing “when having a very large amount of Friends,” and mysteriously enabling audio when recording game footage. Issues that still remain to be fixed on the Xbox One and the PS4 are crash...

Battlefield 4 patch postponed and ‘China Rising’ DLC out

The patch for the PlayStation 4 version of Battlefield 4 was scheduled to arrive yesterday but has been delayed due to some more additional testing that needed to be done said DICE. “The PS4 game update that was originally meant to go live Dec. 3 is undergoing some additional testing and will be rescheduled for a later date,” DICE said on its forums. “We will get back with final details as soon as we have verification that the update is good to go.” The main aim of the patch, among some other issues, was the “one-shot kill bug,” where bullets were sometimes applying incorrect levels of damage to a character. The PC patch which was scheduled for yesterday remains on track, as do the updates for the Xbox One and PlayStation 3 versions of Battlefield 4. In ...

Next Battlefield 4 patch to solve “one-hit kill bug” and more

DICE dropped an update on the Battlefield 4 forum this morning indicating that it plans to patch the PC version sometime next week, after the Thanksgiving weekend. According to the patch notes, the update will address some of the key technical issues still present in BF4 a month after launch. The most significant of these is in our mind is the one-hit kill bug, an issue where headshots within eight meters are occasionally dealing more than their predicted 200 percent damage. YouTuber Jackfrags helped get the word out about the issue in an explanation video last week: Pre-patch notes from the Battlefield 4 forums: Removed the blur effect on soldiers that appeared when Commanders were using EMP attacks Fixed the audio bug where audio sometimes randomly dropped out while playing on certain mu...

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