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Piranha Bytes’ ELEX Gameplay Trailer – PS4, Xbox One & PC

Piranha Bytes’ ELEX Gameplay Trailer – PS4, Xbox One & PC

Having found a way to transmute Elex into pure Mana, the Berserkers are transforming Magalan’s shattered wastes into lush, living woodland. From their capital Goliet in Edan, they range through the world to find places to plant their “world hearts”. Huge plants, able to revitalise the planet.

The Berserkers decline any kind of technology, their city looks like right from the medieval times. When it comes to combat, they rely on sword, axes, crossbows … and magic.

ELEX is an open-world action RPG, set in a post-apocalyptic Science-Fantasy universe! Coming to PC, PS4 and Xbox One in Q3 2017!

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1 Comment

  1. very Gud Trailer When this game will be come out..


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