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No Man’s Sky Under Investigation By The ASA

No Man’s Sky Under Investigation By The ASA

You might think that after the whole fiasco, we’d be finally moving on from No Man’s Sky. But the problems for Hello Games don’t seem to be over. In latest news, UK’s Advertising Standards Agency (ASA) will be investigating the game’s allegedly misleading promotions.

The ASA is an independent regulator whose role is to regulate the content of advertisements, sales promotions and direct marketing in the UK by investigating complaints made about ads, sales promotions or direct marketing. After numerous complaints about the game’s false advertising, disappointing gameplay and lack of multiplayer, Reddi user AzzerUK filed a formal complaint with the ASA as they feel the game’s advertising is ultimately misleading when compared to the features found in the game.

Here’s what AzzerUK says, “I can’t speak about other countries, but in the UK there are regulations about providing advertising material that could mislead a consumer in some way—for example displaying things that do not, in fact, exist. The ASA say they have received a number of complaints, and so the points below are not necessarily all related to things I personally took issue with, but are the issues they have picked out at the most clear-cut problems from amongst all complaints.”

A section of the ASA’s reply to AzzerUK reads as follows:

“We will ensure the advertisers are made aware of any points relating to other marketing material under their control (such as the Hello Games YouTube channel and website).

“The outcomes of ASA investigations are cross-applicable to other marketing making the same claims, so any decision reached in relation to the Steam page would apply to other advertising for No Man’s Sky where the same (or materially similar) claims appear.”

Whether the claims are false or not are still to be verified by the ASA, but users have felt cheated with No Man’s Sky, with all the hype and the promises that were made by Hello Games prior to the release of the game.

For more news and reviews, keep checking back at Gaming Central.

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