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New Galaxy in Tumoil Video Shows The Nak-Thi Map

New Galaxy in Tumoil Video Shows The Nak-Thi Map

The fan-made game that was supposed to be Star Wars: Battlefront III has nothing to do with Star Wars today, thanks to legal reasons. Renamed as Galaxy in Turmoil, the game is now set in its own sci-fi universe.

The devs have released a video for the game that shows off a new map, called Nak-Thi.

As the video shows, Nak-Thi seems to have an interesting back story, mixing the snows of winter with an enormous fiery volcano. This is the first look we’re getting since the game had to ditch the Star Wars universe, and it looks great visually. The game is set to feature both single and multiplayer elements and will have battles with up to 64 players.

Galaxy in Turmoil is getting a demo later this year, and is powered by Unreal Engine 4.

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1 Comment

  1. Nice post ….
    thanx for sharing


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