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Here’s Why They Haven’t Cracked Assassin’s Creed: Origins Yet

Here’s Why They Haven’t Cracked Assassin’s Creed: Origins Yet

Pirates have been eyeing Assassin’s Creed: Origins over the last few days, but the game has yet to be cracked. Assassin’s Creed: Origins has been sitting on torrent sites since days before release, but a crack is not yet available, and we now know the reason why. Ubisoft has been using two layers of protection for this game – Denuvo and their own UPlay DRM. While both UPlay and Denuvo have been bypassed previously, what’s causing the delay this time around is the version of Denuvo that being used, and the addition of VMProtect over it.

As popular hacker, Voski, explains:

“VMProtect is software that protects other software against reverse engineering and cracking. Although the technicalities are different, its aims appear to be somewhat similar to Denuvo, in that both seek to protect underlying systems from being subverted.”

“VMProtect protects code by executing it on a virtual machine with non-standard architecture that makes it extremely difficult to analyze and crack the software. Besides that, VMProtect generates and verifies serial numbers, limits free upgrades and much more,” the company’s marketing reads.

“It seems that Ubisoft decided that Denuvo is not enough to stop pirates in the crucial first days [after release] anymore, so they have implemented an iteration of VMProtect over it,” Voksi explains.

“Basically, Ubisoft have implemented VMProtect on top of Denuvo, tanking the game’s performance by 30-40%, demanding that people have a more expensive CPU to play the game properly, only because of the DRM. It’s anti-consumer and a disgusting move.”

While, we personally have seen no issues with the PC version of Assassin’s Creed: Origins, reports have been coming in about BSOD and other performance issues while running the game.

“This is great if you are looking to save your game from those pirates, because this layer of VMProtect will make Denuvo a lot more harder to trace and keygen than without it. But if you are a legit customer, well, it’s not that great for you since this combo could tank your performance by a lot, especially if you are using a low-mid range CPU. That’s why we are seeing 100% CPU usage on 4 core CPUs right now for example.”

Either ways, it’s clear that they are desperate to keep Assassin’s Creed: Origins from being cracked, and so far they have been successful.

We ourselves have been playing a ton of Assassin’s Creed: Origins lately, and are enjoying it a lot. This definitely is the way forward for the Assassin’s Creed franchise, and easily the best game in the series.

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  1. But the game is flawed and has very high CPU usage. Developers have to do something about it.

    • The Game got less CPU usage than other Ubisoft Games. 30-40% lost is wrong. this is bullshit of a guy who never cracked a Denuvo Game. He say this because he was pissed off the fact he can´t play it for free. So he try to push the people who buy the game. It´s good Ubisoft give a …… The reality is, the game runs very good for the high quality + Ubisoft says min. 6 cores. understandably with all the AI. I try it on 6 cores a 5Ghz. 8GB RAM and 4GB VRAM. on 1080p medium, it runs really fine. I really hope it gets cracked one day. it will show max 10% lost. acceptable

  2. So the way forward is to hope people out there buy pc hardware in excess of £2,000 for a £40 game? I wonder what thw parents would say about that? It used to be the graphics card was the most important thing now they make games that look crap and need more power. AC series has never been that great on story telling and the game franchise has gone from good to milked bloody stupid!

    Now matter how much you claim this game runs on your machine and is that good no one is going to buy it when Ubisoft can’t give a toss about its customers. I’ve even ment Ubisoft employees and they tell me the company as a whole are a bunch of shakesperian villains! So I trust them more than I trust some guy who’s probably bwwn paid to write a good review.

  3. Denuvo doesn’t do anything, Uplay doesn’t do anything. It will be cracked eventually, and the only the people who paid for the game will suffer. I’m not for piracy, but DRM does nothing for the consumer, and only hurts their experience.

    • You are correct; DRM only appeases financial investors whom demand it or they won’t cough up the dough. These people know ZERO about gaming and only care about the return on their investment. I wish they didn’t need to exist because they are consumer hostile with their stupid demands.

    • people who paid for the game will suffer? how? you paid for the game and already playing the game. then how you will suffer and the people? are you speaking positively or negatively? i mean are you jealous?

      • They suffer because they pay for a product so heavily laden down with DRM that the DRM ends up using more resources than the game itself.
        They also have to have an (almost) constant internet connection and have to explain why their system has changed (such as in the case of swapping a hard drive out or rebuilding a system).
        Would you be happy enough if your car manufacturer wouldn’t let you start your car unless you explained why you modified, or changed part of it?

  4. protecting this game too much consuming too much cpu usage. this game required nvidia gtx 760 ti. but with nvidia gtx 1080 ti it cannot be optimized properly ?

  5. best game in the series?lol

  6. I Dunno man, have you played it? at first i wasnt a fan but ive got to say, the game is fantastic, implementing some of the features from tom clancys the division has made it better, with stronger enemies, unique and upgradable weapons with individual advantages, plus the addition of the eagle vision, the games just plain fun, and it looks good too, definately up there with the best, solid effort

  7. I need crack file of this game

  8. New crack by CPY team . Just unpack in to the game folder & run “ACO_CPY_Loader”. Enjoy)


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