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Ex Witcher & Hitman Devs Start New Studio, Strange New Things

Ex Witcher & Hitman Devs Start New Studio, Strange New Things

It’s almost a dream team, just throw in some guys from BioWare, Bethesda, & Obsidian, and we have the best RPG ever made on our hands.

Anyways, some of the former developers of Witcher, Hitman, and few other games have come together to form their own studio in Poland called Strange New Things. The team also comprises of folks who have worked on Dying Light, Call Of Juarez, Dead Island, and more. The team seems really promising, and has over 144 years of talent combined, with over 20 games under their belt.

The team said that it had ‘wanted more’ and their project looks ambitious. They have not yet revealed anything significant about their game, but here’s how the description reads.

“This is the project name of our upcoming game that will be about [BLANK], which is set in [BLANK], from the perspective [BLANK],” it states. “This project holds a special place in our heart. It tells the story of a particular moment in a particular time and place. That moment made a huge impact on [BLANK]. All will be revealed at the right time.”

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1 Comment

  1. Really the game might be unique


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