Xbox One

Get a sneak peek at all that you want to know about Xbox one.

Xbox 1 Hardware Specs

Microsoft have always known for bringing their best to the gaming table, and have always given Sony hard and tough competition. Their newest installment too isn’t anything short of a gaming sensation. The Xbox One is a really powerful device with a 8GB RAM and 64-bit processors. Even though too much isn’t known about the Xbox One GPU, a Microsoft representative had mentioned that AMD was their primary partner for the custom silicon that makes up the GPU/CPU SOC, which is the heart of the Xbox One. The Xbox One is built in such a way that it is able to communicate with servers within the cloud, which in turn increases the computation capacity of the device. Therefore, the cloud provides an unlimited number of transistors. Actual game computations can be off-loaded to servers in ...

7-Minute Gameplay Demo for Ryse: Son Of Rome

Ryse: Son of Rome was one of the more surprising games to be shown at E3. The title was originally intended for the Xbox 360 and Kinect, was canceled after hearing nothing about for two years. The title was revealed to be an Xbox One launch title at E3, however, and it even ditched the Kinect in favor of quick time events. The gameplay centers on the control of a Roman general named Marius Titus. It will feature working with Roman infantry by giving commands to them as well as quick-time event controlled finishing moves during combat. It is a historical fantasy in alternate world that is not historically accurate in either the story or the shown weapons and tactics. The story follows Marius’ life from early childhood to becoming a leader in the Roman Army. The story is described as a...

Dead rising 3 to have Exclusive Smartglass Missions

With second screens coming to life, Xbox One exclusive Dead Rising 3 will feature missions exclusive to players making use of Microsoft’s mobile and tablet companion tool SmartGlass, Capcom has said. In an interview with Siliconera, Capcom executive producer Josh Bridge sad that when playing the game, the SmartGlass app “actually skins your phone to be like the phone from the game’s universe.” Bridge explained how the SmartGlass exclusive content would work in Dead Rising 3. Using an accompanying SmartGlass-compatible mobile or tablet, the player will “get calls from a character that are only on the SmartGlass device. So if you don’t have SmartGlass, you won’t get those calls from that guy. Which also means you won’t get those missions.”...

Xbox One to get exclusive Battlefield 4 DLC

More good news for Xbox One, erm, pre-orderers, as Battlefield 4 will receive exclusive DLC. To be more precise, timed DLC that’s made up of old stuff, but hey, still a selling point, right? Dice producer Aleksander Gronda told Edge about plans to spruce up some of the maps from previous games. “That’s something we’re doing as an Xbox One exclusive,” said Gronda. “There are a few maps we’ve picked, we’re doing some re-work on them, adding a BF4 flavour. So that’s exclusive DLC for Xbox One. Some of the old maps are really good.” Checkout the epic trailer 🙂    

Xbox One takes a U-Turn

Microsoft has budged to the demands of gamers and the negative press finally!!! Microsoft has changed its policies regarding Xbox One’s internet requirements, used game restrictions and more. Contrary to the details announced earlier this month, Microsoft has now confirmed news originally reported on Giant Bomb that Xbox One will not require an internet connection to play offline games or need to check in every 24 hours; instead, internet will only be required when initially setting up the console. “After a one-time system set-up with a new Xbox One, you can play any disc based game without ever connecting online again,” Microsoft wrote. “There is no 24 hour connection requirement and you can take your Xbox One anywhere you want and play your games, just like on Xbox 360....

Titanfall gameplay preview

This year’s E3 gaming expo has made one thing clear… it’s that we’ve got some serious first person shooters in the pipeline. Titanfall looks to be one such title. In the same year as Guillermo Del Toro’s Pacific Rim gets a theatrical release, Titanfall certainly has its finger on the mecha-robot trend’s pulse. Play as a futuristic pilot shooter or gear up and dive into a giant mechanized suit known as a Titan. But you needn’t make that decision at the beginning of the game the  focus has been on seamless integration between one and the other during play. That’s Titanfall’s hook. As a pilot there are certain routes through levels or access points not reachable when suited up, while the inclusion of a jetpack gives plenty of wall-bouncing...

Bark your Orders in Call of Duty Ghosts

Though he practically upstaged the Xbox One at its own reveal event, don’t expect Call of Duty Dog to slink off into a corner. He’s not going to be eye candy or a prop in Call of Duty: Ghosts’ singleplayer campaign. The dog, based on real life service canines used by the Navy SEALs, will be controllable much in the same way drones were in Black Ops. That’s in the singleplayer campaign. No word yet on what role Call of Duty Dog fulfills in multiplayer, if any. Mark Rubin, the game’s executive producer, told Kotaku that “multiple dogs” were mo-capped for the game’s action sequences, and the one in-game will respond to user commands as well as move and act on his own. IGN, in this E3 preview, got a closer look at what Call of Duty Dog does. He&#...

Mclaren and Forza Motorsport 5 team up

The appearance of a Forza 5 on the Xbox One isn’t exactly an unpredictable move. Of course, the challenge is how to improve upon Forza 4 which already looked incredible, had a brilliant single-player structure and genre-leading multiplayer modes, and had some of the best, most convincing handling around. Even the AI was hard to beat. What could Forza 5 add except an extra layer of visual polish? The icing on the cake is that McLaren Automotive has teamed up with Xbox to offer one of the best seats of the summer at the 2013 Festival of Speed: the passenger seat of the McLaren P1™ while it makes its global dynamic debut at the world famous event. One lucky competition winner will be given the chance to experience the famous Goodwood Hill course, and be part of the McLaren 50th annivers...

Xbox One Reveal Parody :)

You wont wanna miss this, Steven Korrell our Facebook fan just shared with us this video 🙂  

Call of Duty : Ghosts Screens Unveiled

Check out the fleeting glimpses of COD Ghosts which debuted at Microsoft’s Xbox One reveal event a couple of days back. Here are some Spoilers 🙂 1) Multiplayer will be revamped with ‘dynamic maps’, which will feature environmental events like earthquakes and floods. 2) Oscar-winning writer Stephen Gaghan, whose previous works include ‘Traffic’ and ‘Syriana’  has worked on the new story for the game, hope it improves the storyline which has become a tad repetitive.  Are you excited for COD Ghosts? Check out the latest Call of Duty : Ghosts Trailer Unveiled  :  

5 things to know about Xbox One

After months of anticipation, Microsoft has finally unveiled its next generation console and has named it XBox One. Now we don’t exactly know why it was named XBox One, but from the unveiling it seems that this has some connection with Microsoft’s plan of marketing the XBox as the complete family media center rather than just a dedicated gaming console. XBox One will operate using an 8-core processor with 8 GB RAM. And while the event did not reveal a lot about new games, here are 5 things to know about Xbox One  – 1. The design changes were minimal The look of the console was nothing to talk about while the controller seems to have gone only slight ergonomical changes. Microsoft probably does not want to change a proven design by a large factor. 2. Kinect gets more power...

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