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Body Of Assassinated Russian Diplomat Used In Telltale’s Batman Game

Body Of Assassinated Russian Diplomat Used In Telltale’s Batman Game

Remember that Russian diplomat who was assassinated on camera in front of an audience while giving a talk at an art museum? Batman sure does! In the new Telltale Batman game, they used the image of the Russian diplomat lying dead on the ground as part of their game, and has created an outcry after it went viral.

Video game YouTube vloggers Bro Team Pill, spotted the image while playing the game, and screenshots of it went viral on the internet.

“Imagine finding a picture online of an actual murdered diplomat and putting it into your Batman game,” the user Dont_Look_Back posted on the Telltale Games forum. “It’s unprofessional, disrespectful and despicable. The man was murdered in front of the camera.”

Telltale has apologized for this mistake, and since removed the image via an update.

“We regret this incident occurred, and we are taking appropriate action internally to ensure that we continue to maintain our high standards in production and quality assurance,” said a representative.

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