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Beware, Watch Dogs 2 Is Full On NSFW

Beware, Watch Dogs 2 Is Full On NSFW

Watch Dogs 2, the highly anticipated upcoming title by Ubisoft seems to given a whole new meaning to the phrase “a fresh approach to world and objective design”, in very NSFW terms.

The game will feature fully modeled and textured genitalia (both make and female), and it doesn’t shy away from flaunting it. Hallelujah! However, sharing those same images can get your PSN ID suspended, as one user found out.

“On Sunday evening I accidentally blew up a few women in a back alley with a gas pipe and then I saw *it*;” Adam, who managed to get an early copy of the game from Amazon wrote in a post on NeoGAF, “someone at Ubisoft had rendered a full vagina on one (or maybe more) of the females in the game.”

“I took a picture of this funny oversight with the in-game camera and shared it on twitter for my friends to see and I posted it in one of the Watch Dogs early release threads on here. Cut to tonight where I can’t access any services while playing the game and then when I tried to sign in there was a very brief message about my account being suspended.”

At first glance, Adam thought it was a minor oversight, but as it turns out, Watch Dogs 2 has a lot of nudity. But as you can see via the Twitter post, Ubisoft is apparently putting a lot of effort in correctly modelling  and texturing the human body.

Watch Dogs 2 focuses specifically on the nudity in the ESRB Rating:

The game contains some sexual material: a man selling child pornography over the phone (no sexual acts or nudity depicted); a strip club depicting pole dancers and topless women; brief instances of male and female full-frontal nudity (e.g., a woman in body paint; a man standing with a woman outdoors).

There have been other posts on Twitter and YouTube as well, with people sharing their experiences with naked NPCs. However, it is uncertain whether Sony will be going after everyone who is taking part in this nudity driven craze.

Watch Dogs 2 is out for the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 and will release for the PC on 29th November.

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1 Comment

  1. Well why it’s bad thing.


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