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Assassin’s Creed: Origins Running Better On The Xbox One X Than On PC?

Assassin’s Creed: Origins Running Better On The Xbox One X Than On PC?

There’s no doubt that Assassin’s Creed: Origins is looking great so far, specially in all the reveals and trailers we’ve seen. Ubisoft and Microsoft have both been pushing the notion that the game looks especially gorgeous on the Xbox One X. However, most had assumed that the PC will ultimately be the best looking version of the game. But, things don’t seem to be as we thought.

In a recent preview event at EGX 2017, WccfTech reported the following:

Nothing I did in the Assassin’s Creed: Origins demo was particularly fresh for the series, honestly, but the environments were wonderful. Or, would’ve been wonderful. The fact is, my entire experience was plagued by a single, constant issue; low framerate. I actually tried the PC version under the impression I could witness up-to 60FPS, but instead I was plagued by what was below 30FPS, constantly. Constant stutter hampered my experience, ruining both gameplay and visual fidelity. The issue here, on the PC version, truly is on par with early Assassin’s Creed: Unity, a game infamous for poor performance on launch – though it should be said, gameplay I witnessed on the Xbox One X version of the game had no such issues from what I could see.

They did go on to say that the world in Assassin’s Creed: Origins is teeming with life, and feels very immersive. The game’s combat, exploration and quest design have also received similar praise, but performance issues will be a major problem. Being compared to Unity does Origins no favors, because gamers still remember what a shit-show that was. One can only hope that these issues are fixed before launch, since this is the first time in many years that I am eager to check out an Assassin’s Creed game.

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