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Xbox Boss Says Gamers Want More Graphics, Single Player Games Not Dead

Xbox Boss Says Gamers Want More Graphics, Single Player Games Not Dead

With the Xbox One X set to release in a month, and being touted as the most powerful console ever built, it’s clear that Microsoft want to make a statement when it come to the visual fidelity of the games running on their platform. However the statement they made sends mixed messages, and seemed to skirt around the fact that they haven’t been delivering the best looking games thi generation so far.

In an interview with Gamespot, Shannon Loftis, who heads Xbox Publishing for first-party games had a lot to say about single player games, and what gamers want from their games. Remarking about all the talk of the death of big AAA single player titles, she had this to say.

“I don’t think that it’s dead per se,” Loftis said “I do think the economics of taking a single-player game and telling a very high fidelity multi-hour story get a little more complicated. Gamers want higher fidelity and they want higher resolution graphics.”

She also addressed Xbox’s new Game Pass service, which acts as a monthly subscription for games, saying that it might allow them to fund more single player focused experiences. She also talked about wanting to bring the community together and enjoy the “shared experience of the single player game”. She refers to Game of Thrones episodes, and how fans would come together to discuss the latest episodes.

Despite what she says about complications, it’s clear that their competitor, Sony, is delivering both in terms of graphics and fantastic single player experiences.

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