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Watch Dogs 2 May Not See A Physical PC Release in India

Watch Dogs 2 May Not See A Physical PC Release in India

Watch Dogs 2, Ubisoft’s upcoming hack ’em all is uber hyped, but PC gamers might be a little disappointed with the following news.

While both the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One will get physical disc releases, PC gamers will have to be satisfied with a digital copy unless thy buy the Collector’s Edition. Meaning? Your only options to get the game are Steam and Uplay (or some other digital vendor). Of course, if you’re willing to shell enough money, the Collector’s Edition costs about INR 7499 only.

Additionally, rumors suggest that Watch Dogs 2 onwards, Ubisoft will no longer release any physical copies of PC editions of their games in India. So people who are waiting for For Honor and Ghost Recon Wildlands, it’s time to start stuffing your Steam wallets.

A couple of years ago, EA had followed a similar strategy in order to completely discard physical discs for the entire country. Looks like PC enthusiasts will have to start investing more in better internet speeds (not to mention data limits).

For more news and reviews, keep checking back at Gaming Central.

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  1. It has to do with the numbers of console gamer . It is a sad news as Ubisoft has some big franchise. Downloading 40+ GB in India is sure nightmare. Sad Ubisoft fails to understand it. I think they don’t need sales in PC section.


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