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Geek Corner

Use Google Maps to “catch ’em all”

Use Google Maps to “catch ’em all”

We know the first thing you’ve probably already thought of is that the chances of this being an April fools prank is pretty high. And you’d be right in thinking so, cause we did too.

But you can now catch Pokemon on your smartphone using Google Maps app!

The trailer takes things to a whole new level with the way it was projected and all but the update made to Google Maps does let you hunt for Pokemons and add them to your Pokedex by actually searching them on Google Maps.

Dozens of wild Pokémon have taken up residence on streets, amidst forests and atop mountains throughout Google Maps.

To catch ’em all, grab your Poké Ball and the newest version of Google Maps for iPhone or Android. Then tap the search bar, “press start,” and begin your quest.



You can have as many Pokeballs as you want and unlike the game, the Pokemons don’t fight back. The fun part is Google is working on a race to “catch ’em all,” and the winner will be invited to Google’s headquarters and “hired” on as the staff Pokemon Master.

We really have our doubts about the second half of the article and we may just get fooled after all, but we’ll keep you updated and informed as to what this new update really entails.


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After undergoing the IB curriculum in Kodaikanal, Joash disciplined in English and Political Science at St. Stephens, Delhi. Then went on to do his post graduate diploma in Mass communication and journalism at Xavier Institute of Mass Communications, Bombay. He has a thing for motorbikes, cameras, drums & the lovely Jeniffer Piccinato

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