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Top 15 E3 2017 No-Shows

Top 15 E3 2017 No-Shows

E3 2017 was not one of the best in recent years and you could say it was a “filler” year. A lot of no shows or surprise announcements this year, with most games being previously announced games. We’ve covered the highs and the lows, time to cover the no shows that we were expecting or hoping for.

Cyberpunk 2077

After being teased in January 2013, we haven’t heard or seen much about it.  With the recent claim of the hackers who stated they would release information and documents about the game to the public, CDPR stated that they would show the game when it was “ready”. We expected maybe another trailer or announcement of some sort but we got nothing.

Death Stranding

Hideo Kojima had announced before E3 that Death Stranding would not be shown. Then he started teasing us with the “Bridges” images and announced that he would be present at the E3 Coliseum. Hopes were up that maybe he would tell us about the game or showcase something but we got nothing.

Red Dead Redemption 2

After being announced in October, we expected something of this game to be shown at E3, maybe another trailer or some gameplay but we got nothing

Arkham Insurgency

We got lots of leaks regarding. One leak said that it was a sequel to Arkham Origins and would showcase more of Batman’s villains and his relationship with Dick/Nightwing when he was Robin. Another leak stated that it was going to be focused on Damian Wayne who had taken the mantle of Batman. But yet again we got news regarding this and some sources say that a game was made but then it was scrapped.

Bloodborne 2

This one was actually highly expected to be announced at E3 with reports saying that Sony was bringing in Japanese games to E3 and with rumours going around like crazy that a sequel was in works. Sadly, we got no “Souls-Borne” announcements or news.

Shenmue 3

After it’s announcement at E3 2016, people looked forward to seeing Shenmue 3. Unfortunately, creator Yu Suzuki said that Shenmue had been delayed to the 2nd half of 2018. We haven’t heard or seen anything about the game either because they said they were focusing on the game rather than E3.

The Elder Scrolls 6

We’re all looking forward to the next Elder Scrolls game but Bethesda still wants to release Skyrim. Hopes weren’t high for this one but there were a few expectations. Sadly however, TES 6 is not in production yet.

The Last of Us 2

We know this is coming and we are excited. This was one of the most expected not just for Sony but at E3 as a whole but it was a no-show. Maybe we’ll see it at Gamescom?

Final Fantasy 7 Remake

A remake of one of the best turn-based RPGs ever, this game has been in development for what seems like forever. Besides the one teaser from 2015 and then a visual key in 2017, we haven’t heard or seen much about it.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider

There have been rumours floating around about this game and there were expectations of it being shown at E3 this with a release date of sometime next year. However, we’ve got what seems to be key art and concept for the game which you can check out here.


Bethesda’s new IP that is currently in development and with leaks about the game and Bethesda’s whole plan we expected an official announcement from Bethesda. They have acknowledged that they’re working on a new IP but nothing concrete yet.

Bully 2

With the recent GameInformer incident where they put up Bully 2 with a release on the PS4 and with rumours of this being in the works hopes were up. They even got Bully merchandise on the Rockstar Store so people were expecting just an announcement that it is in the works, since Red Dead Redemption 2 is currently the main title being worked on.

New Splinter Cell Game

It has been a while since the last installment in the series came out and people were afraid Ubisoft had canned the series. Ubisoft’s CEO did come out and say that they have not forgotten the series and that they have too much in terms of games right now. So we’re hopeful that it makes a return.

Hitman Season 2

Io Interactive was in trouble with the recent news that they were being sold so people were worried about the future of the game. We were expecting to see Season 2 but then this whole news broke and well, we’re glad that Io has the rights to the IP.

The Avengers Project

This was announced at the start of 2017 and is one of the first of the Marvel games to come. With an announcement already made, E3 seemed like the perfect time to announce something about the game or showcase it. We got nothing though and can only expect something at Gamescom now.

That wraps up the no-shows at E3 2017 with honorable mentions for Half-Life 3, Left For Dead 3 and Portal 3 as usual. Let us know what you were expecting at E3 that wasn’t shown by commenting.

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