the witness

The Top 50 Best Single Player Campaigns Of This Generation (Part 3)

There are a lot of Single Player games out in the wild, Here is a list which would help you to go on a epic journey while sitting on your couch. Also, this is Part Three of a five part list, and you can check out Part 1 right here and Part 2 here. [interaction id=”598190f0e61f184b3be8f7e9″] SOMA Enter the world of SOMA and face horrors buried deep beneath the ocean waves. Delve through locked terminals and secret documents to uncover the truth behind the chaos. Seek out the last remaining inhabitants and take part in the events that will ultimately shape the fate of the station. But be careful, danger lurks in every corner: corrupted humans, twisted creatures, insane robots, and even an inscrutable omnipresent A.I. Wolfenstein: The New Order Wolfenstein: The New Order reignites...

The Best of 2016: Top 10 Open World Games

Whether you’re a fan of age-old fantasy eras or prefer something modern, open world games have something to offer for everyone. From slashing your enemies to hacking their gadgets to racing them across the beautiful terrain of Australia, this year saw some amazing releases in the category. Here’s our list of the top ten open world games that came out in 2016, in their order of release. 1. The Witness Release Date: 26th January, 2016 Platforms: Windows PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and iOS You wake up, alone, on a strange island full of puzzles that will challenge and surprise you. You don’t remember who you are, and you don’t remember how you got here, but there’s one thing you can do: explore the island in hope of discovering clues, regaining your memory, and s...

The Witness Being Pirated Heavily On PC

Jonathan Blow’s latest game, The Witness, has been out for a few days now, and is being showered with praises and glowing reviews. However, none of that seems to stop thousands of PC users from pirating the game instead of paying for what seems to be a worthy purchase. Blow tweeted today that “It seems The Witness is the #1 game on a certain popular torrent site. Unfortunately this will not help us afford to make another game!” The independent developer then continued to lament the potential impact of his game being stolen: “I’m glad that a lot more people will be experiencing the game! But I also want to be able to make another comparable game next! Just sayin’.” For Blow’s hit game Braid, which some would argue was a catalyst for the indie ...

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