
Top 50 Video Games That Should Be Made Into Movies (Part 3)

We’ve all been disappointed by some of the recent movies that were based on video games. And for the most part, almost all video game movies have been a let down. However, if done right, a lot of video games can make for good movies, with their interesting setting, likable characters, and great stories. So here are the top 50 video games that should be made into movies. This is the third part of a five part series. You can check out Part 1 here and Part 2 here. God Of War Seeing Kratos in action on a big screen in a well directed movie will be gloriously fun. Portal A rogue trying to kill of the last remaining human test subject in a scientific lab? The movie just writes itself at this point. Spec Ops: The Line Spec Ops: The Line was willing to take it’s story into some dark places. ...

Top 10 Games That Were Way Ahead Of Their Times

Technological advancements have revolutionized the gaming world. With high-fidelity graphics, motion capture, ultra-high resolutions and extremely detailed gameplay, video games have come a long way. But there are some noteworthy titles, which pushed the limits like no other (back in their day), paving a way for our favourite games as we know them today. Here’s our pick of the top 10 of those games, which were way ahead of their times. Wolfenstein 3D (MS-DOS PC, 1992) There’s no need for introductions here. More lovingly known as Wolf 3D, this was the reason behind the mainstream popularity and commercial success of the FPS genre, thanks to its fast paced action and impressive graphics. It makes extensive use of ray casting, in which only the surfaces visible to the player were...

“Portal” Movie Announcement Could Happen Soon

Back in 2013, fanboys jumped with joy when J.J. Abrams and Gabe Newell (AKA Lord Gaben) announced a joint partnership between Valve and Bad Robot, and rightly so – they said that the two will not only be working on a future game together, but also movies based on Half Life and Portal. If that’s not a reason to get excited, I don’t know what is. Speaking with IGN, J.J. Abrams said that he was in process of meeting with the writers who are also fans of the games, additionally revealing that an announcement regarding the Portal movie may happen soon. “We have a meeting coming up next week with Valve. We’re very active, I’m hoping that there will be a Portal announcement fairly soon,” he said. “We are having some really interesting discussions with writers… it’s incredible wh...

Top Video Game Villains You Love To Hate

What are heroes without their counterparts? Nothing really, if you ask me. Conflict only arises when there are two clashing/opposing views. Without villains conflict does not exist and without conflict, nothing is learned, nothing is gained, nothing really happens. A hero can never be truly valued without a villain, making the antagonist absolutely necessary in any sort of narrative. What really makes them shine are their villains. Having said that, here are five of the villains we all love to hate from games that we’ve played over the years. Vaas Montenegro (Far Cry 3) Bearing close resemblance to the Joker, Vaas portrays tons of dark humor, mercilessness and of course is completely insane. Despite the fact that he is a total maniac, he’s still feels like a guy I can watch sports with. Ma...

Five Game Franchises Which Are Getting Old Fast

Today we bring you 5 games that are really upbeat and work like your uncle at your cousin’s marriage, but are starting to show signs of fatigue and really need to take a break before they collapse from exhaustion. Telltale Games Telltale are the folks behind the successful franchises such as The Wolf Among Us and The Walking Dead, and are singlehandedly responsible for bringing back the Adventure game genre from the dead. They now have franchises such as Batman, Back to the Future, Game of Thrones, Borderlands, Minecraft, and am I the only onee who sees the burnout potential here? You CAN have too much of a good thing. People do, after all, get sick on chocolate ice-cream. LEGO Games LEGO games are LEGO versions of games/movies/anything and are mostly fun children’s games where...

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