Multiplayer games

Is Mini Militia The Next Counter Strike For College Kids?

Before ye champions dismiss this as tripe, consider for a minute the points that may actually work in the favour of a mobile game like Mini Militia. Here, I’ll look at both these games from the perspective of a college kid because that is what I am. If you are a serious gamer who is already fuming over the title of this article, stand down, friend and read on. Graphics There really is no competition here. Mini Militia is the ‘Diary of a Wimpy Kid’ to CS:GO’s ‘War and Peace’. However, the mobile platform severely restricts what the developers can do and Mini Militia does a nice enough job with its cartoony graphics. The point here is that even those without a laptop to their own can easily get into Mini Militia. Even if you don’t have a fancy laptop, chances are that even your budget smartp...

The Top 10 Best Multiplayer Games That Indian Gamers Love

Of all the games that are popular across the world, there are some that hit the right note with the Indian audience. We asked gamers in our community which multiplayer games they played the most, and here’s what they had to say. Sure, there’s definitely some overlap, but gamers here who are in college also tend to lean more towards free to play titles and even mobile games. What surprised me was how few gamers said that they played Destiny, which is something we at the office are really into. I guess it’s primarily because a majority of gamers here play on PC. So here are the top 10 best multiplayer games that Indian gamers love. Ghost Recon Wildlands Journey through Ubisoft’s largest action-adventure open world. Discover the stunning diverse landscapes of the Wildl...

Why Are College Kids Crazy For Mini Militia?

Just about six months ago I was staying in the YMCA boys hostel in Bombay. As you would imagine, gaming was a huge deal with the guys. At night you would have guys all move up to the third floor and pull off all-nighters playing some of their favorite games. While there were hardcore PC gamers, there were also a bunch of us who played games on our phones. Bomb Squad was one such game take we could play at any time during the day, be it in our rooms or even in the mess, just whip out your phone and set up a local game for everybody to join. However, off late there is another game that takes the multiplayer prize. Mini Militia is the new game on the block that has gamers glued to their phone screens. The game is best described as the lovechild of teeworlds and Counter-Strike. From the outset...

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