death stranding release date

Death Stranding Will Most Likely Be A Playstation 5 Game?

Hideo Kojima’s upcoming game, Death Stranding, sure has created a ton of hype and lead to a fair amount of head scratching among gamers. It’s also becoming one of the most awaited games for many people, including me. Death Stranding is being developed exclusively for the Playstation 4, with excellent support from Sony powering Kojima Productions. One of the things that’s worrying though is that the game actually might not hit a release date anytime soon, so much so that it might possibly end up being a Playstation 5 game. The thing about Kojima is that he takes time with the games he makes, with development periods averaging 4-6 years. The studio has only been formed a year ago when Kojima was still out and about deciding the engine he wanted to make the game on. He final...

Hideo Kojima Is Using Sophisticated Tech To Drive Visuals In Death Stranding

During Siggraph 2017, Principal Tech Programmer from Guerilla Games, Giliam de Carpentier and Kohei Ishiyama from Kojima Productions held a presentation called Decima Engine: Advances in Lighting and AA, providing a glimpse at the fog system being developed for the upcoming Death Stranding. While the Decima Engine has in-built flexible atmospheric scattering system linked with clouds and lighting, Kojima Productions needed a system better optimized for photo-realistic rendering. They developed a model independently, where information about the sun and the sky light is supplied to the height fog model from the precomputed atmospheric scattering model. Two types of conditions were precomputed, sunny and desnse fog. Using these two as the base conditions, it’s possible to portray differ...

Fuck Konami – Holiday Greetings From Guillermo del Toro

Once again, director Guillermo del Toro criticizes Konami, this time remembering the studio in his holiday wishes. Important Holiday messages that right true today as they always have: Feliz Navidad. Happy Holidays. Fuck Konami. — Guillermo del Toro (@RealGDT) December 25, 2016 This isn’t the first time the director has openly spoken against Konami. Being involved in the Silent Hill project before it was scrapped by the studio, Del Toro is now working with Kojima on his new game, Death Stranding. He also featured in the recent trailer showcased at The Game Awards. Konami claims that it is still committed to new Silent Hill titles, though they haven’t announced anything yet. Before Silent Hills, Del Toro was working with THQ on a game called Insane, but the game never saw light ...

Death Stranding Gets A New Trailer At The Game Awards

Hideo Kojima, in addition to being honoured with the Industry Icon Award at the Game Awards, also showcased a new trailer for his upcoming game, Death Stranding. The game is still shrouded in mystery, and the trailer doesn’t do anything to shed some light on it. Guillermo Del Toro, the director who has worked previously with Kojima on the cancelled title Silent Hill, features in a dystopian city, clutching a device with a baby inside it, similar to the one we saw in the E3 trailer. The game will also star Mads Mikkelsen of Hannibal fame along with The Walking Dead’s Norman Reedus. The footage is recorded off a PlayStation 4 Pro. At this weekend’s PlayStation Experience, Kojima will talk about more details regarding the game. You can watch the trailer below. Register with ...

Kojima Shares Progress On Death Stranding, Compiling 30k Shots In One Day

While no official release date for Kojima’s next project, Death Stranding has been confirmed, rumor has it that the game already has a set release date it is targeting for itself. In any case, fans cannot seem to wait to get their hands on the game, and we wonder what Kojima Productions plans to bring to us outside the Metal Gear world. But you can rest assured that it is indeed a work in progress. Hideo Kojima shared multiple photos on Twitter, sharing the progress and confirming that the people are at it in earnest. Apparently, they compiled about 30,000 shots in a single day, and oh, Mads Mikkelsen from Hannibal also made an appearance. That’s cool, isn’t it? It also leads us to believe that Mikkelsen may be making a contribution to the game, by either lending his voic...

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