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New Devil May Cry Game Announcement Coming This Year

New Devil May Cry Game Announcement Coming This Year

It’s been a while since we have had a new Devil May Cry game, and if rumors are to be believed, we might get an announcement pretty soon. Reddit user, LeakiLeaks, who has been right before with his predictions, has stated that we’ll see a new Devil May Cry 5 announcement this year at PSX.

“I will start this off by saying I was the one who leaked TMNT and Enchantress being the other characters in Fighter Pack 3.

So if you want to quickly disregard that I have sources or what I am about to say, at least take what I am saying into consideration before you quickly doubt it. I have multiple sources and for multiple things and developers, so if you’re wondering how I am knowledgeable of these things, I cannot quite get into that, but what I do allows me to have these contacts.

Devil May Cry 5:

This will finally be announced at PSX. Dante, Vergil, and Nero will all be playable on the game. I don’t know if that will be confirmed at PSX in particular alongside the reveal, but multiple sources have informed me that all three characters are on it and you can play as them.”

With the guy’s track record, and the details he suggests in his original post, it’s likely that we will see an announcement soon.

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