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Game Developer’s Mom Plays And Beats Final Fantasy XV, Her First Video Game Ever

Game Developer’s Mom Plays And Beats Final Fantasy XV, Her First Video Game Ever

It’s hard to make parents understand what gaming is all about. If your parents weren’t into video games back in the day, there’s a good chance they don’t give your hobby the credit it deserves. However, not all people face this issue. And you could be surprised by how a parent can actually play and finish a game like Final Fantasy XV as their FIRST video game. We’re talking about Rami Ismail, a game developer who introduced his mother to the aforementioned game and recorded her progress in a series of Twitter posts.

It’s a rather long feed, so you can read it in its entirety here. Kudos to his mom!

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1 Comment

  1. lol Rami is a virtue signalling idiot.


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