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Metal Gear Survive Announced, Konami Continues The Series After Kojima

Metal Gear Survive Announced, Konami Continues The Series After Kojima

This year’s Gamescom has seen quite a lot of announcements, among them being something that caught us a bit off-guard. Konami announced the next title in the Metal Gear series, called Metal Gear Survive, set for release for PC, Xbox One and PS 4 in 2017.

The game is directly follows the events of Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes, and will feature the members of Militaires Sans Frontières who were not killed in the previous game. They are transported through a wormhole to an alternate universe, where they face in battle a force of crystalline zombies and, as it seems, at least one Metal Gear itself.


“Metal Gear Survive will offer a fresh take on the series’ famed stealth elements,” Konami European president, Tomotada Tashiro said in a press release, “but within a unique co-op setting that is designed for a truly engrossing multiplayer experience.”

This is the first title after the departure of Hideo Kojima, the creator of Metal Gear series, and Konami hasn’t revealed anything regarding how much of the original Kojima Productions’ team will work on the project. And while Konami claims that the game will be “a new addition to the Metal Gear Solid V experience”, we wonder if we will get to see more of the Snake’s clones and Big Boss, who makes an appearance in the trailer.

According to the details confirmed by Konami, Survive will be powered by the same FOX engine used for the two Metal Gear Solid V games. In addition to this, the game will be built for four player co-op play where players will use a new arsenal to fight off the enemies. A Konami fact sheet refers to the game as “survival done the Metal Gear way”. This certainly calls for speculation regarding what’s next in store for the series.

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