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How the Gaming Industry Has Changed Over the Years

indian gaming survey

The gaming industry has seen a lot of changes over the years. With the advent of new technology, the way games are made and played has changed drastically. Companies that develop video games continue to set high standards when it comes to quality of games and features.

Nowadays, you can even play a Madden game that features NFL week 5 odds, for example. Still, even though the gaming industry is certainly going in the right direction, there are those who aren’t happy how things are turning out. With that in mind, here’s how the gaming industry has changed over the years.

How has the gaming industry evolved over time?

The gaming industry has seen a lot of changes over the years. One of the most significant changes has been the development of new game engines that support high-quality graphics that can go up to 8K resolution. The new level of detail in modern games is simply astonishing.

However, many gamers are concerned that high-quality graphics are just a cover for poorly-developed games and schemes like microtransactions that ruin the gameplay. The technology to make even greater games is here but it seems that corporate greed stand in the way of future progress.

The influence of mobile gaming

Mobile gaming has seen a surge in popularity in recent years. This is due to the increasing power of mobile devices, as well as the widespread adoption of high-speed mobile data networks.

Mobile gaming is convenient because it can be played anywhere, at any time. It is also social, since many games are designed for multiplayer mode. This makes them accessible to a wide range of people.

How has technology impacted the evolution of the gaming industry?

The gaming industry has seen a lot of changes over the years, and technology has played a big role in its evolution. One of the most significant changes has been the transition from 2D to 3D graphics. This change was made possible by advances in computer hardware and software back in the day, which allowed developers to create more realistic and immersive environments for players as time went on.

Technology has also had an impact on the way games are marketed and sold. In the past, most games were sold in physical stores, but now they can be downloaded directly onto devices via digital storefronts. This makes it easier and faster for people to get their hands on new games, and it also allows developers to reach a wider audience with their products.


The gaming industry has changed drastically since its early days, growing into a massive global enterprise. Overall, technology has had a positive impact on the gaming industry, making it more accessible and immersive for players around the world.

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Geek....Gamer....Curious :) Started his affair with gaming with Super Mario on an 8 Bit console and has been hooked on to gaming ever since. With a commitment to promote gaming as a positive sport and lifestyle in India he started of Gaming Central in 2013 which has since grown as India's most popular social gaming community. Shrey is also a digital marketeer and runs his own agency GC Interactive based in New Delhi which helps brands from strategy to execution, fueling the growth of some of the hottest consumer brands on digital.

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