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Gamers Are Taking Stunningly Beautiful Screenshots Using Horizon Zero Dawn’s Photo Mode

Gamers Are Taking Stunningly Beautiful Screenshots Using Horizon Zero Dawn’s Photo Mode

Horizon Zero Dawn has been out for over a week now, and people have been completely immersed in its beautiful open world, And they’ve also been eager to share how beautiful that world is. Here’s a small collection of some of the best screenshots people have been taking using the game’s photo mode:

Horizon Zero Dawn

In a lush, post-apocalyptic world where nature has reclaimed the ruins of a forgotten civilization, pockets of humanity live on in primitive hunter-gatherer tribes. Their dominion over the new wilderness has been usurped by the Machines – fearsome mechanical creatures of unknown origin.

Play as Aloy, a young hunter on a quest to discover her destiny among the remnants of the ancient past.  Shunned by her own tribe since birth, Aloy has learned to harness her agility, cunning, and deadly aim to hunt the Machines, defend against rival tribes, and survive in the unforgiving wilds.

Journey through a world filled with strange artefacts and crumbling ruins to unlock its deepest mysteries. How did the Machines come to dominate this world, and what happened to the civilization that came before? The answers may determine Aloy’s fate – and that of humanity itself.

Engage in a deep, rewarding role-playing experience that involves highly varied tactical combat. Fuse primitive gear with advanced technology to craft devices that turn predators to prey. Develop unique strategies to take down different Machines, and hack trapped specimens to do your bidding.

Explore a vibrant landscape rich with the beauty of nature. Travel through stunningly detailed forests, imposing mountains and the atmospheric ruins of a bygone civilization, all brought together in a world that is alive with changing weather systems and a full day/night cycle.

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