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Turns Out, Ubisoft Is Nor Making A Remake/Remaster Of Far Cry 3

Turns Out, Ubisoft Is Nor Making A Remake/Remaster Of Far Cry 3

Yesterday, we very happily shared an image posted by Ubisoft that we thought was a potential tease for something related to Far Cry 3. Maybe a remaster, or a new game. All we wanted was to see Vaas again.

Alas, ’twas not meant to be. According to Game Informer, Ubisoft has replied that the post was nothing more than a throwback to the critically acclaimed game. “We’ve heard back from Ubisoft PR, who has clarified to us that this was simply a “throwback post” and not a tease for anything,” the website says. I think now would be a good time to remember the definition of insanity.

Anyway, for those who missed out on the image, or still want to look at it and feel bad, feast your eyes. It was accompanied by a caption that read, “an island we never really left“. You get why we would think it was a tease? You do, right?

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1 Comment

  1. Surely they doing new game in farcry series…for that only they shared old farcry 3 images.

    Be hope , this new farcry launch confirm


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