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3 Games That Let Us Down

3 Games That Let Us Down

Video games play a role that is similar to that of movies and that is of wish fulfillment, in other words allowing us to play out those fantasies that we can’t in real life. For some its a pass time, for others its a way of escaping into another realm. However not all games can satisfy this need some of us have to get fully immersed into a game. There are times when we think a certain game can do it for us but we end up seeing our dreams being shot down in front of our eyes. This usually happens when game developers promise a certain level of gaming satisfaction through maybe trailers and leaked images and do not follow through with it. An example of this could simply be the death of a character that we didn’t expect/want to have happened but did.


Even though most of these games are quite superb, they still managed to shoot down our dreams by failing to deliver in one or two vital areas. How much you wished they had done it right so you could love the shit out of the game but can’t because of that tiny little flaw. We’ve got here three games that did that to us–


Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes


Our Dream: The game promised to combine tense stealth and best-in-class cutscene direction, and these aspects stand above any other game in the series, which were reasons why we wanted this game more than anything. The game also showcased challenging and engrossing stealth mechanics. And trailers portrayed realistic voice acting, dialogue and animations. 

What We Got: The game was just way too short. It took just about two hours to finish the game, not including side missions and stuff but still! A game that was perfect in almost every other sense was put down and highly criticized because it was too short a game to be able to enjoy. Many even went as far as calling it a “paid demo.”


Watch Dogs

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Our Dream: After having one of the best trailers at E3 2012 showcased and enduring several delays, Watch Dogs was going to be worth the wait. It was to take its place up in the section of the best games ever to be made, and you didn’t need a next gen console to get the experience.

What We Got: It was only a good game, nothing more nothing less. It was far from the unique sandbox title that we were expecting. It did just enough to separate itself from the glut of GTA clones on the market but suffered from a generic storyline and repetitive missions. And that looming feeling that the game was never capable to live up to its enormous hype.


Batman: Arkham Origins


Our Dream: Well to be totally honest, we didn’t set the bar too high on this one. We have our own doubts about this game reaching heights we’d want it to have reached. But it did present quite a hype and did give us reason to believe in it.

What We Got: New publishers, new voice casts and a release date that was a stones throw away from GTA V’s release date, the game was nowhere close to where we had pictured in our heads. Rocksteady kept the up its game by delivering two solid games, but WB Games Montreal didn’t bring its A-game.

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After undergoing the IB curriculum in Kodaikanal, Joash disciplined in English and Political Science at St. Stephens, Delhi. Then went on to do his post graduate diploma in Mass communication and journalism at Xavier Institute of Mass Communications, Bombay. He has a thing for motorbikes, cameras, drums & the lovely Jeniffer Piccinato

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