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Ubisoft keep quiet about whether Watch Dogs runs in 1080p on PS4 and Xbox One

Ubisoft keep quiet about whether Watch Dogs runs in 1080p on PS4 and Xbox One

The next big game we’re all waiting for it Watch Dogs, and the next big question is whether the game will run in 1080p on Xbox One and PlayStation 4? Ubisoft chooses to stay quiet about this matter and had creative director Jonathan Morin tweet yesterday saying-“resolution [is] still being finalized on both PS4/Xbox One…”

Initial rumors pointed out that PS4 version was to run in 1080p an the Xbox One version to run at something that standard. The only other information that Morin was willing to give was regarding the game’s frame rate. He commented on it saying -“very stable/constant.” But didn’t say anything about the frame-rate for the Xbox One version of Watch Dogs.

Morin also revealed an assortment of other Watch Dogs details through his Twitter account, some of which we’ve mentioned below-

  • “Normal” enemies will go down easily (2-3 bullets, or 1 in the case of a headshot).
  • If you join invade someone else’s game, chases can last for 20-30 minutes if both players are highly skilled.
  • There won’t be any microtransactions.
  • Recommended PC specs are not yet finalized.
  • Won’t feature “unnecessary gore” for takedowns. “Blood spatter is in there, but don’t expect heads blowing up.”

Watch Dogs is schedlued to come out 27th May launches for Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, and PC. The Wii U version is bound to come out sometime later.


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After undergoing the IB curriculum in Kodaikanal, Joash disciplined in English and Political Science at St. Stephens, Delhi. Then went on to do his post graduate diploma in Mass communication and journalism at Xavier Institute of Mass Communications, Bombay. He has a thing for motorbikes, cameras, drums & the lovely Jeniffer Piccinato

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