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The #GamerInMe Contest


Howdy Folks!

We are here to make your long weekend more interesting with The #GamerInMe Contest 🙂 Participate in the contest to WIN an exclusive T-shirt everyday and whats more if your answer is really creative you might grab a super awesome Razer gaming headset. So rush in and participate now.

We are here with winners of the ‘GamerInMe’ Contest!!

Hitesh Soni

Vishal Singha

Deepanshu Battu

Jai Dodechani

Ayush Gupta

Aashish Srevastava

These six gamers won cool t-shirts from Razor India and Chirag Patni was the one who won that awesome Razor headset.

We just wanted to thank all you guys for taking time out to part take in this contest. The response was overwhelming and we thoroughly enjoyed going through your insightful answers.

Game on you guys…

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Geek....Gamer....Curious :) Started his affair with gaming with Super Mario on an 8 Bit console and has been hooked on to gaming ever since. With a commitment to promote gaming as a positive sport and lifestyle in India he started of Gaming Central in 2013 which has since grown as India's most popular social gaming community. Shrey is also a digital marketeer and runs his own agency GC Interactive based in New Delhi which helps brands from strategy to execution, fueling the growth of some of the hottest consumer brands on digital.

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