
Hidden Gems You Should Pick Up From The Steam Summer Sale 2017

With the Steam Summer Sale currently ongoing and a lot of great games going for sale and being showcased on the main store page, you’ve probably bought all the games that are showcased or just aren’t interested in the other ones but still want to take the opportunity to grab games at discounted prices. So here’s a list of hidden gems that you may not know about. Morphblade- $2.49/ Rs 129( 50% off) A minimalist strategic roguelike where every movement is a tactical choice and abilities can be combined to create new power synergies. GoNNER- $2.99/ Rs 110( 70% off) A vibrant frenetic roguelike shooter/platformer, with a colourful surreal aesthetic and punchy fast-paced combat that rewards combos and speed. Hydra Slayer- $2.99/ Rs 149( 50% off) An old school roguelike with a ...

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