It happens every time a good new game comes (or in case of Demons Souls, Halo, Red Dead series etc, fails to come) to PC, you hear the same old excuses: PC games get pirated. A lot. Well, it is sort of true, but as always, there’s another side to the coin. Ever wondered WHY games are pirated? Yes, yes I know, people love free stuff, but that’s not all. Here’re a few arguments in favour of the pirates, straight from the horse’s mouth. Ladies and gentlemen, the infamous pirate Technobeard! So let’s Get started \m/ TECHNOBEARD: YARR! ENOUGH WIT’ YER BLUBBERIN’, YA PANTYWAIST! *WHAM* Have a face full o’ me boot ye jelly boned thumb suckin’ crud bucket! Mos’ console landlubbers condone piracy (ARR! DEATH TO ‘EM) because mayhaps they don’ unnerstand ye olde pirate c...