top games of 2016

Best of 2016: Top 10 Shooters (First Person Shooters & Third Person Shooters)

2016 was a great year for shooters. From the demon infested hellish pits of Doom to the colorful booty-filled arenas in Overwatch, shooters saw an unexpected comeback, in what had become a tiresome genre. Here are the best shooters from 2016 that you absolutely must play: Overwatch Release Date: 23rd May, 2016 Platforms: Windows PC, PS4, XBONE While it can be put simply as Team Fortress with waifus, Blizzard’s hero shooter Overwatch is absolutely fantastic. And while Overwatch is not strictly just a shooter, you are shooting the whole time, be it shooting bullets, grenades, at your enemies or streams of health at your friends. Blizzard keeps it simple, giving you just a few modes and maps, but gives you a range of characters with unique abilities and playstyles. It’s easy to ge...

Do Open World Games Suck?

Open World Games are now the most sought after genre in video games. The Elder Scroll series is one of the pioneers in the genre, followed closely by Grand Theft Auto. However, in terms of absolute fun gameplay, Far Cry 4 has got the formula down perfectly. Open World Games today have taken the idea of freedom, exploration, and a world rich with content to a whole new level. With caves and caverns, mountains and forest, bandit camps and dungeons, concrete jungles and industrial wastelands, and even outer space, all for the players to explore. Games provide a platform in which people are able to experience a story or an event by assuming the role of the character provided by the game, be it a soldier, a cop, a thief or a superhero. The idea of open world has become so popular, most games ha...

Games Of The Month: January 2016

If you’re one of those who completed every major game release from 2015, then the new year might be looking a bit bleak for you. Well, worry not, here are some of the top games releasing in January, 2016. There’s not much in the way of huge open world games, but these are great games nonetheless. And we really could use some tightly woven narrative driven games. Anyways, here goes! Assassin’s Creed India | Ubisoft Platform: PS4, Xbox One Release Date: January 12, 2016 The first game coming to both PS4 and Xbox One is Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: India. Further expanding the Assassin’s Creed Chronicles line, this new adventure sees players jump into India in 1841. Taking a 2D approach, Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: India is a departure from traditional Ass...

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