The Sexy Brutale Review

Have You Met: The Sexy Brutale

Hey, you’ve killed an ungodly amount of people during your time playing Video Games, and it’s time to save some. Welcome to The Sexy Brutale, where the staff are killing the guests, and you just might be the one to save them. Read our review here: Have You Met Are you tired of being alone and lonely? Do you stay up late at night, in bed looking up at the ceiling? Fear not! We’re here to hook you up! With Video Games!! Welcome to “Have You Met”, where we check out new and interesting games, and give our opinions about them. Yeah, we’re lonely too.. Register with us for the best in gaming, and join us for video game discussions on our forums.

Die Another Day: The Sexy Brutale Review

During my time with The Sexy Brutale I heard others playing the game bringing up similarities to Groundhog Day, Majora’s Mask and even The Clue. However, what stood out to me was how much The Sexy Brutale reminded me of my time playing last year’s Hitman reboot. My preferred way of playing Hitman is setting up a chain of events that leads to the target’s death, while trying to stay as far as possible from anyone who might get suspicious. There’s an odd satisfaction in staying in the shadows and striking from afar, feeling almost like a puppet master. And for me, The Sexy Brutale scratches a similar itch. You’re Lafcadio Boone, a guest at an eccentric Marquis’ mansion. Somehow things have gone horribly wrong, and you wake up in the library of the mansion ...

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