
Video Games With Massive Hype That Everyone Has Forgotten About

These games caught our attention and our interest but in the end they ended being forgotten due to bad gameplay or shitty execution or short story. These are the games that got us taking about them but now these games are only whispered in a dark alley. These are the games that had massive hype but now are forgotten. Brute Force Brute force was released on original Xbox in 2003. The game was a squad based third person shooter that uses 4 members of a team which fight in numerous battles. It was introduced as a Halo Killer and though it killed something it wasn’t halo as we will be getting the 7th game in Halo series and we didn’t even get a 2nd game of Brute Force. It came and went like a bullet train, nobody remembers this game no matter how hard Microsoft tried to promote it....

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