
The Top 10 Most Disappointing Games Of 2017

Every year there are games that we are all hyped up and eagerly waiting for, and every year some of the drop the ball. So here are the top 10 most disappointing games of 2017. These aren’t necessarily bad games, these are just game we expected better from. Mass Effect Andromeda This one is probably the most obvious pick. To be honest, I did enjoy Mass Effect: Andromeda’s combat  and exploration a lot. However, I was really hyped for this game, especially because I absolutely loved the original trilogy. Andromeda, sadly, never reaches the same heights. Star Wars Battlefront 2 At it’s core, Star Wars Battlefront 2 is an enjoyable game. It’s just so disappointing to see how badly EA screwed this over with their insatiable greed. As a shooter, it’s probably one of...

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