overwatch roadhog

Overwatch Hookmaster Roadhog To Get A Nerf Soon

From the beginning people have complained about Roadhog’s hook and how it can sometimes pull enemies from the corner or even through the walls. No more, says Blizzard. On the Overwatch forum, principal designer Geoff Goodman talks about upcoming changes to the hero, especially his hook ability, “Firstly, the hook victim will now move in to the position directly in front of Roadhog, rather than just a straight line towards him. There is a cap on how far ‘to the side’ you can be pulled, so you can’t just hook someone, spin 180, and dump someone off a cliff. This part (along with some other bug fixes) should generally make the hook feel more consistent as to where the victims get pulled.” The line of sight check will be changed to originate from RoadhogR...

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