Overwatch Reveals New Tank Character

Overwatch Reveals New Tank Character, Called Orisa

Orisa serves as the central anchor of her team, and defends her teammates from the frontline with a protective barrier. She can attack from long range, fortify her own defenses, launch graviton charges to slow and move enemies, and deploy a Supercharger to boost the damage output of multiple allies at once. Real Name: Orisa, Age: 1 month Occupation: Guardian Robot Base of Operations: Numbani Affiliation: None Built from parts of one of Numbani’s short-lived OR15 defense robots, Orisa is the city’s newest protector, though she still has much to learn. Originally put into service before the Omnic Crisis, the OR14 “Idina” line of security robots was built in Nigeria’s massive manufacturing omnium. After the war, they were taken out of production, along with many ...

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