Is It Time To Take Microsoft And The Xbox Scorpio Seriously?

Is It Time To Take Microsoft And The Xbox Scorpio Seriously?

Microsoft is clearly fallen behind this generation, and is clearly hurting. Right from the onset, with a bad opening at the E3 reveal for the Xbox One, Microsoft managed to alienate its fans, and Sony smartly pounced at the chance and took the vast majority of gamers with it. Three years later, Microsoft and it’s Xbox division seem to have learned from their many mistakes, and look eager to win back the gamer audience with innovative and high-power hardware, and a customer friendly marketplace. Sony sure has the audience’s attention now, not so much because of the power that the PS4 has to offer, but more so because of an extremely compelling library of exclusive titles. However, they have been very slow in making changes that their consumers and avid fans have been asking for ...

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