Indian Gaming News

Monaco Free for a Limited Time

Add Monaco to your account for FREE*! Once you add the game it will remain in your account permanently, so don’t miss out on this great opportunity. Additionally, check out Pocketwatch’s upcoming title, Tooth and Tail, currently in pre-purchase. All Monaco owners receive 10% off now through launch on September 12th! *Free period ends September 8th at 10AM Pacific/10:30PM IST. Register with us for the best in gaming, and join us for video game discussions on our forums.

South Park: The Fractured But Whole: Difficulty Slider Changes The Colour of your Skin

South Park: The Fractured but Whole’s difficulty slider changes the colour of your skin  Ubisoft’s comedy RPG South Park: The Fractured but Whole features various levels of difficulty, from easy to very difficult, much like most games. What’s different though is the difficulty affects the colour of your character’s skin. During the character creation section of the game, which you can see in this video (skip to the five minutes and 40 seconds mark), you’re able to change the colour of your character’s skin, as you’d expect. What’s interesting is the easier the difficulty, the lighter your character’s skin. Conversely, the harder the difficulty, the darker your character’s skin. It means if you want to play The Fractured but Whole ...

Code Vein New Screenshots and Info

Code Vein unveils its battle system  Bandai Namco Entertainment Europe reveals today new screenshots about the upcoming action title Code Vein. The new assets highlight more details about the battle system, the character creation tool and 2 new characters. Battle system of Code Vein is varied and offers a lot of possibilities for players: For example the Gift system allows them to use up to 8 gifts during battles to temporarily increase attacks or defense actions. Some other gifts are passive and they are gained with specific items or equipment. With the Stamina Gauge, players will be able to manage all of their actions including attacks, evading, dashing and Drain. This is crucial to control their actions and they will need to be very attentive to the stamina gauge to survive in Code Vein...

Culdcept Revolt Multiplayer Trailer, Free Day One DLC Sign-ups Opened

Culdcept Revolt Free DLC On Website and New Multiplayer Trailer! We’re happy to announce a new trailer for Culdcept Revolt, showcasing the multiplayer aspect in this upcoming Nintendo 3DS release! You can battle locally or online with your friends or choose to duke it out against computers! Culdcept Revolt for the Nintendo 3DS arrives in North America on October 3, 2017 and in Europe on October 6, 2017. Last, but not least, players can sign up (North America, Europe, Australia) to receive two free Day One DLC packs for Culdcept Revolt: • Challenge from Hell DLC – A challenging bonus scenario and special map that can be used in single and multi-player game modes! • Soltis Book Cover DLC – Show off your book locally and online with a glorious book cover based on the god of ...

Nioh’s Final DLC, Bloodshed’s End, Launches September 26

Nioh’s Final DLC, Bloodshed’s End, Launches September 26 I hope you all had a chance this summer to experience the legendary battles of our latest Nioh DLC, Defiant Honor! In order to keep the excitement alive, we’ve been hard at work on Nioh’s final DLC. It’s called Bloodshed’s End and it’s a perfect way to conclude the final chapter of the bloody Sengoku period. Our latest adventure picks up where we left off in Defiant Honor. The Siege of Osaka’s winter campaign was put to an end by a peace negotiation between Toyotomi and Tokugawa. However, conditions were harsh as Osaka Castle lost its secondary and tertiary enclosures, as well as its inner and outer moats, leaving just the main enclosure for the defeated. Inevitably, this situation led to an uprising and another war broke out just mo...

Forza Motorsport 7 Goes Gold, Demo Launches September 19, Live Action Trailer

Forza Motorsport 7 Has Gone Gold with Demo Arriving Sept. 19 Forza fans, the green flag is about to drop on Forza Motorsport 7! The game goes live worldwide on Oct. 3, with Ultimate Edition owners hitting the track on Sept. 29. As we near the finish line, the team has been working non-stop to deliver fans the biggest and best Forza game yet and, today, we’re very happy to announce that Forza Motorsport 7 has officially gone gold. In celebration of this milestone, we’re sharing more great news today, including the first look at our Forza Motorsport 7 commercial and the first details on the Forza Motorsport 7 demo, arriving on Xbox One and PCs on Sept. 19. Forza Motorsport 7 Commercial – ‘Musical Cars’ The new commercial for Forza Motorsport 7 pits competitors against each other in a reimagi...

Xbox One Official Mouse And Keyboard Support Coming Soon

We’ve always known Xbox was interested in bringing in keyboard and mouse support to their platforms but it was all just hushed rumours and speculations, however, during a panel at PAX West Xbox Platform CVP Mike Ybarra discussed mouse and keyboard support for Xbox One. This is what he had to say: “Keyboard and mouse support is definitely coming. We have to be very smart in how we do that. We’ll leave it a lot up to developer choice. A lot of people tweet me and say “you can’t do this because of fairness,” and we understand that. We run two platforms; the Xbox platform, and the Windows platform. And so, when we bring keyboard and mouse, we’ll coach developers and say look, you’ve got to think about your multiplayer pools, if you have a competi...

Top 10 Best Video Games You Must Play – August 2017

August has been a month of a lot of great games but what games really stood out from the plethora of the ones released? Well, let’s find out: Tacoma Tacoma is a sci-fi narrative adventure from the creators of Gone Home. Set aboard a high-tech space station in the year 2088, explore every detail of how the station’s crew lived and worked, finding the clues that add up to a gripping story of trust, fear, and resolve in the face of disaster. LawBreakers In LawBreakers, mobility makes you stronger. As their debut title, Boss Key Productions crafted a fast, fun and fluid multiplayer FPS for gamers who are ready for evolved gravity-defying combat unlike anything else. Nidhogg 2 The rules are simple. Reach the other side and kill anyone that stands in your way. Deftly parry and rend their t...

Fan Remake Of Tomb Raider 2 In Unreal Engine 4, You Can Play The Demo Right Now For Free

Tomb Raider- The Dagger Of Xian is a fan made remake of Tomb Raider 2 in Unreal Engine 4. The good news is that unlike most fan projects, this one won’t be shut down as Crystal Dynamics themselves have green lit this project with the only condition being that the creator should not make a profit off of it. This makes us believe that Square Enix themselves won’t stop in to stop this project. 38 Minutes of Gameplay footage has been linked below, thanks to steven35175 on Youtube.   The demo that has been created by Nicobass includes a big part of the “Great Wall” level and is supposed to have a play time of around 1 hour. Nicobass has also shared the minimum PC specs to be able to run this game which is as follows: Windows Seven x64 Graphics card 2GB VRAM with Dx1...

SteamWorld Dig- Free on Origin For Limited Time

SteamWorld Dig is a neat little game where you play a robot cowboy who has to dig downwards to unearth artifacts and items. Every playthrough is fun because it is procedurally generated and this game might lead you to lose a lot of hours because of how addicting it can be. If you want to experience this addictive game, it is currently free on Origin for a limited time only. And if you do like the game and want more, don’ fret because SteamWorld Dig 2 is coming out at the end of month. Here’s the trailer for the sequel for your viewing pleasure. Game Link Register with us for the best in gaming, and join us for video game discussions on our forums.

Destiny 2 ‘Freestyle Playground’ Japanese Live-Action Dance Trailer

Sony Interactive Entertainment Japan Asia: Announcement on Special Movie Commemorating the Release of “Destiny 2”  Sony Interactive Entertainment Japan Asia (SIEJA) released the promotional movie, “’Destiny 2’ Live Action Dance Trailer ‘Freestyle Playground’,” on September 6th (Wed.) with the rollout of software “Destiny 2” for PlayStation 4. The movie is the live-action version of the world of “Destiny 2,” which is the sequel to “Destiny,” the action game that received the Best Game award in 2015, at the British Academy Games Awards, and which number of players reached a grand total of over 30 million, as of May, 2016. Over 39 famous dancers, including SHIN, the member of Radiofish whose music video “Perfect Human” was played over 50 million times on Youtube, and Ginyu ForcE w...

Secret of Mana SNES vs. Remake Comparison Video

Secret of Mana 3D remake has been surprisingly announced a few days ago and very first gameplay video has been shown during recent Twitch live stream. Let’s compare PS4 gameplay with SNES original and see how much it sticks to great predecessor in terms of gameplay. Register with us for the best in gaming, and join us for video game discussions on our forums.

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