Guilty Gear or BlazBlue

Super Smash Bros 2.0 ? Code Shifter Nintendo Switch Review ! Guilty Gear VS BlazBlue VS Kunio-Kun !

Arc System Work’s pièce de résistance, Code Shifter, an 8-bit rendition of some of the most iconic video game characters ever to grace a home console or handheld device now in the palm of your hands on the popular Nintendo Switch! A dream come true in more ways than one, for the first time ever do we get to see Ragna=The=Bloodedge square off against Sol Badguy! BlazBlue VS Guilty Gear! You can choose Kunio-Kun and face off against Billy Lee of the Double Dragon Brothers! These are but a few of the characters to make their appearance in this star-studded cast, featuring a whopping 100 characters from the stables of ARC System Works, stringing together such franchises as Guilty Gear; BlazBlue; Kunio-Kun; Double Dragon; Jake Hunter; Of Mice and Sand; Happy Birthdays; Damascus Gear; Infe...

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